Beginning of Something Beautiful: Paul's POV

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"Paul? Paul, are you awake?" 

Blinking slowly I felt a smile grow across my lips as Dawn's voice floated through the closed door. I hadn't locked it and I was half surprised she hadn't tried to open the door. Thinking back to yesterday I could hardly even believe that I actually told her I wanted her to stay with me. As I rolled off the bed and debated whether I should put my shirt back on to see what Dawn's reaction would be if I opened the door without it, I couldn't help but grin contentedly. 

Who knew being in love felt like this, I thought, feeling a little embarrassed at the thought.

"Hello? Paul?" Dawn's knocks and tone were sounding more and more concerned so I pulled on my deposited shirt on the ground and walked over to unlock the door. I pulled it open just as Dawn was raising her fist to knock again and I tried not to feel guilty at the relief that flooded her face as she looked up at me.

"Something wrong?" I asked quietly and she heaved a sigh.

"I woke up and was a little scared that I had dreamed yesterday... You do still want to be my boyfriend, right?" Dawn asked, nervousness creeping into her voice and expression. I reached out and took one of her hands into mine.

"It wasn't a dream, Dawn. And yes, I want you to be my girlfriend," I said firmly. Dawn squeezed my hand as an angelic smile lifted up the corners of her eyes.

"Thank goodness," she said with a relieved sigh. I smirked and leaned casually against the door frame.

"If you're worried that I'll disappear you could always stay in my room," I suggested teasingly and tried not to show my delight as a light blush crept into her cheeks. 

To my surprise she let go of my hand to fold her arms and took a small step closer to me, tilting her head so her bangs almost fell into one of her eyes.

"Well, maybe I will," she retorted teasingly. Amusement rose in me and I folded my arms in an imitation of her stance.

"No one's stopping you," I said blandly. 

Dawn's eyes widened and her blush deepened. She smiled faintly and then laughed, shaking her head.

"Who are you and what did you do to Paul?" she asked, relaxing her arms from their folded state and I felt myself smile.

"You have no idea how much I held myself back when we were traveling together. You are way too fun to tease," I said with a grin and she quirked one of her thin eyebrows at me.

"Is that so?" she asked. 

I reached out and ruffled her hair, causing her to yelp in annoyance and push my hand away as she took off her beanie and smoothed her hair.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked.

She shook her head so I quickly got changed and we went down to the cafeteria area together. A large group of trainers was all crowding around the registration desk in the lobby and I was glad that I had come early so I didn't have to deal with that. Dawn's hand squeezed mine as she lengthened her stride and pulled me towards the line for breakfast crepes.

I looked at our entwined hands and wondered at the peacefulness that surrounded me. When I had thought of being with Dawn as a couple I imagined that I would constantly be worrying over her and myself in case I did something to hurt her. I was surprised that I just felt a quiet, happy contentedness. It was as if I had found the place I belonged when Dawn was next to me.

Normally the day before a pokemon league I would do some last-minute training, but instead, I spent the day with Dawn. We talked about what we had done while we were apart, the training we did, people we saw, and the moves we taught our pokemon. I was impressed when Dawn said that Olivia, Akala Island's Kahuna, had offered to train her personally and that she had the island captains help her out with their specialties.

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