Old Enemies, New Perspective: Paul's POV

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A/N If you have a chance please listen to the songs before or during the portions where she is dancing. I wish I could describe Dawn's dance moves better, but hopefully the pokemon moves sound exciting :) Thank you all for reading! 

"Please be ready to present your tickets," an attendant shouted out across the pier at the hundreds of bodies that were trying to crowd onto one of the many ferries that were designated to take spectators to see the Showdown Tournament. 

I had nearly turned and left when I saw the massive crowd, but thinking of Dawn's sincere plea for me to watch her kept me unhappily in the midst of the chaos. When I was finally allowed to board one of the ferries I immediately claimed a spot where I could lean against the railing and I sighed as the feelings of mild claustrophobia left me.

Grimacing slightly I was glad I hadn't told any of my pokemon about me going to watch Dawn at the tournament today, because if the ferry was any indication I highly doubted there would be extra room for them to watch her. The ferry trip took longer than I expected and I sighed as we finally came up to the huge artificial island that was the home of the Aether Foundation.

I had done some basic research when Dawn said the tournament would be held here and found out that the Aether Foundation was an organization that tried to protect endangered and abused pokemon. However, the foundation had a bit of a checkered past and less than ten years ago there was a huge incident where the president actually opened several portals to other realms and released a group of destructive ultra beasts that wreaked havoc on the region. But apparently, the foundation was under new management and had regained its reputation in the past years.

As I waited my turn to disembark the ferry I glanced back at the ocean in the direction of Ula'ula island and wondered again if I was making a mistake. Just then someone in the crowd bumped into my shoulder, spurring me forward and I allowed myself to follow the crowd. This was the last thing she asked of me. I just need to stay in the back and leave as soon as I can, I told myself firmly.

Once I left the ferry I glanced around the underground docking area and saw several workers directing the crowd to the upper levels of the island where the event would take place. Within fifteen minutes I was ushered onto a crowded open elevator and rode it up with the other people buzzing with excitement. When we reached our destination I glanced around, surprised to see we were inside a building. I followed the crowd as they walked towards several large double doors that were open wide.

As I left the building with its white halls behind me I felt my eyes widen as I took in the scene before me. Three stages had been set up in the massive area in front of me. The main stage was massive and was situated at the very end of the grassy area that we were in and stadium seats had been set up in front of it. Two smaller, but still impressive stages were set up on either side of the large area and no formal seats could be seen in front of those. I wondered why they had been set up in the first place.

A strange sense of anxiety filled me and my feet came to a stop as I watched the people streaming past me to claim their spots in the stadium seats. Go forward or go back, Paul, but don't stand here like an idiot, my inner voice said somewhat sourly and I swallowed. 

I knew that if I went back then I would regret it. Even if the word "promise" hadn't left my mouth, I knew that Dawn would be looking for me and the thought of disappointing her or making her experience any added sadness because of me left me feeling queasy. So I gathered my courage and began to take small, deliberate steps forward.

"Paul?" Frowning at the faintly familiar voice I turned, trying to see who had called my name. "No way, it is you!" 

I didn't bother to hide my unenthusiastic groan as my eyes found the gangly form of Ash Ketchum as he pushed through the crowd to get to me. Why is HE here? I wondered with annoyance, taking in his casual appearance and the pikachu that seemed to be permanently glued to his shoulder. My eyes narrowed. That was the pikachu that actually defeated my Electivire, which there was no logical explanation for how that could have happened. I was still a little bitter about it if I was being honest with myself.

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