I Won't Give Up: Dawn's POV

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Paul didn't return Lycanroc until we were outside of the Pokemon Center. I thought it seemed unusual for him, but I enjoyed walking along with Lycanroc who now reached my waist after her spectacular evolution. Lycanroc held her head proudly, giving off an almost regal feel as she walked beside me. The battle between Paul and Olivia had proven just how incredible of a trainer Paul was. He used Riolu to take out two of her pokemon and if Riolu hadn't been paralyzed it wouldn't have surprised me if he went on to take out her Lycanroc as well. 

Whereas I could barely take down a Lurantis, I thought sadly but then shook my head. Get it together, Dawn. Both Mallow and Olivia said they were impressed with my performance and Paul has helped me become better at battles. I can do this!

Suddenly my hand dropped down as Paul returned Lycanroc without a word. I straightened and the chains I bought made a scraping sound as they slid around in the bag I was carrying on my other arm. Paul raised an inquisitive eyebrow at me at the sounds and I smiled.

"It's just part of my costume for the showdown on Monday," I said and he turned towards the PokeCenter without commenting. 

I followed him through the doors and after Paul handed over his pokeballs I gave her my four as well. All my pokemon were looking as healthy as ever, but I still liked to double check.

"Are you Dawn?" Nurse Joy asked and I nodded slowly. "I thought I recognized you from the showdown footage. Your performance with Cutiefly was so fun!" she said with a smile which I returned.

"Thank you very much," I said, feeling slightly embarrassed at the compliment.

"Actually, I think I have a package for you," Nurse Joy said, asking me to stay where I was as she bustled into the back room. 

Paul looked down at me and I shrugged, wondering if maybe my mom had sent me a birthday present. I called her last week after the pain of failing my second showdown in a row eased up and she told me that she had actually found some footage online of the showdowns I'd been in. She gave me some advice on possible combinations to try, but she actually seemed pleased with my routines.

"Here you are, another one came just this morning," Nurse Joy said while placing two boxes on the counter, one a thin rectangular box and the other was a smaller square box with festive paper wrapped around it.

"Thank you very much," I said, slipping both of the packages into the bag the clothes store had given me.

"Your pokemon should be all ready to go in an hour or so," Nurse Joy said with a grin and I bowed my thanks to her, turning to see that Paul was already walking towards the door.

"Wait up!" I called after him, jogging over as he walked through the sliding door. "Where are you going?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I usually find a place to read while I'm waiting for my pokemon," he said evenly and I smiled. It had come as a shock to know that Paul read so much; I didn't think anyone would expect him to be a bookworm when you first looked at him.

"Are you going to open your packages?" he asked and I shook my head.

"They're from my mom and Serena so they are probably birthday presents. I'll wait until Friday to open them," I decided, smiling down at how thoughtful they were. 

Paul was silent for a few minutes as I followed him into a small park that had a view of a gorgeous lighthouse on the top of a hill.

"Is there anything I should get you?" he asked quietly and I blinked up at him in surprise.

"You want to get me a birthday present?" I asked incredulously and he scowled at me.

"Problem?" he asked gruffly before turning away from me and I shook my head in disbelief.

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