Egg Mystery: Dawn's POV

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"Mmmmm, these smell so good!" I sighed with delight. 

Piplup peeped, stretching his flippers up at me so he could smell the berry as well. Squatting down I held it up to his beak and he took a big whiff, chirping in approval and I stroked his little head.

"These will make wonderful poffins for sure!" I said with a smile and Piplup nodded happily.

I'd been restocking my supply of berries and travel food all day and just enjoying the sea breeze while walking around with Piplup. Cutiefly and Growlithe weren't used to walking in a crowded city so I was keeping them both in their Pokeballs for now. Shopping took most of the day, especially since I spent an hour going through songs that I could use for future showdowns. I had decided to use the same dance routine for my first appearance in Akala, but I wanted to start working on a few other dances to have in case they fit the occasion better.

Once I was all set it was late afternoon already and Piplup and I started making our way towards the path that would take us to Paniola Ranch. I was shocked when the path seemed to end in a sea of grass so tall that the tips tickled my ribs. Holding Piplup tight to me I waded my way through, jumping every time I heard the snap of a branch or a rustle in the ridiculously long grass. Even though it was light out I couldn't help but let my imagination wander about all of the things that could be crawling around, ready to attack me.

"P-ii-p, l-u-uup," Piplup said in a strangled voice and I gasped, realizing how tightly I was squeezing him against me, and instantly loosened my hold.

"Piplup! Oh, I am so sorry!" I apologized. 

He went limp in my arms, breathing deeply to refresh his poor little lungs. By the time I finally left the sea of grass behind me I was a jumble of nerves. Without shame, I bolted as soon as I saw the path again. I stumbled into Paniola Town gasping from my sprint and Piplup shimmied so he could turn in my arms and try to fan me with his little flippers.

"Thank you, Piplup. Sorry, I'm such a scaredy cat," I gasped out and Piplup patted my cheek comfortingly. 

Once I got my breath back I looked around at the quaint town we were in and my fears vanished as I took in the wooden houses. They looked like they were straight from an old western movie; the kind where a Sheriff with his trusty Charmeleon partner ran out bandits from the bank. Grinning widely I walked slowly through the town, taking in all the cute little details, but I was so excited to get a pokemon egg that I decided to skip the PokeCenter and just keep going towards the Ranch. The sun had begun to set, but after checking my PokeGear I was pretty sure I could still make it before the daycare closed.

After leaving the adorable town behind me, Piplup hopped down from my arms and pointed toward my hip. Smiling in silent agreement I took Growlithe's and Cutiefly's Pokeballs off my belt and released them. Piplup jumped up and down happily as Growlithe ran around him and Cutiefly came to cuddle against my cheek briefly. 

As a gentle breeze caused the sugar cane plants to my right to wave peacefully I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Piplup challenge Growlithe to a game of tag, only to have Growlithe leap on his back and tackle him. Growlithe barked happily as Piplup flapped his flippers and kicked his feet.

"Isn't Alola amazing?" I asked, gazing around me at the expanse of nature without hardly a building in sight. 

Piplup was still being dog-piled by Growlithe and I could hear his angry, muffled cries from underneath him. Taking pity on him I snuck up behind Growlithe as he was looking at a passing Tauros and scooped him up in my arms, spinning him around as he barked out a doggy laugh. Piplup removed his beak from the dirt and glared daggers at Growlithe, who I was now tickling mercilessly.

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