Ill-conceived Rescue: Paul's POV

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Something broke inside of me when I watched the buzzwole slip into the ultra wormhole, carrying Dawn in its arms. My pokemon were frantically battling against the swarm of ultrabeasts and all I could think of was my desperate need to save Dawn. Something exploded behind me and the force of the blast tossed me off my feet and sent me rolling across the battlefield. Wincing, I pushed myself up and for a second I wondered if this was fate laughing at me. Was I just doomed to lose everyone that I loved?

Shaking my head I turned and blinked when I saw a familiar black and red figure standing in front of me. Incineroar roared angrily and shot off a Flamethrower that smacked into three Pheromosa's running towards me. They all shrieked in pain and I shook my head, trying to get the ringing in my ears to stop.

Why are ultrabeasts here? How is Faba controlling them like this? Where did he take Dawn? My thoughts swirled in my mind sluggishly, like they were trying to swim through syrup, as I boosted myself onto my elbows and knees. Incineroar stood protectively in front of me and I looked around at the chaos surrounding me. I had never wanted to scream so badly in my life.

"Use Multi-Attack, Silvally!" 

A deep roar sounded behind me and I turned to see a Frankenstein-like pokemon let loose a streak of bright light that smacked into three Nihilego's and caused them to crash to the ground of the battlefield. I pushed myself into a standing position and watched as a guy a few years older than me with platinum blonde hair released a few more pokemon and gave them orders to take down any ultrabeasts in sight. He ran into the fray, shouting orders left and right to his various pokemon and lashing out with a savage kick if any of the beasts got too close to him.

"Heads up!"

A body knocked into my back and forced me down to the ground just as another huge explosion boomed behind me. I glanced over at Incineroar to see that he had followed my rescuers lead and fallen to the ground to avoid the brunt of the explosion. Then I turned to see Kahuna Olivia looking at me.

"Where's Dawn?" she yelled over the ruckus.

"They took her," I yelled back, pushing myself to my feet and reaching down to pull her up after me. 

Olivia frowned heavily and yelled at her Lycanroc to use Stone Edge, which took out Blacephalon and Pheramosa who was racing towards us.

"Take you pokemon and go after her," Olivia yelled at me. I blinked in surprise and she met my eyes steadily for a few seconds. "We'll handle things here, but Dawn needs you. NOW!" With that Olivia ran off, releasing the rest of her pokemon and fighting alongside the other guy to try and keep the waves of ultrabeasts at bay.

Closing my eyes briefly I took a second to calm my thoughts and then one by one returned all my pokemon except for Metang. He had noticed his comrades being returned and turned to look at me. I motioned for him to follow me and we weaved through the chaos until we got to the other side of the battlefield where it was a little quieter.

"Metang, I need to get up to that wormhole," I said, pointing up to the hole that Dawn had disappeared through. Metang looked where I was pointing and then turned back to me, watching me steadily. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you carry me up there?"

"Meta!" Metang responded emphatically in his robotic voice. 

I nodded and he turned around and lowered himself so he was hovering a few feet above the ground. Not stopping to think of how stupid this idea was I cautiously placed a foot on the lip of metal on his body and then put my knee on top of Metang's head. Metang bobbled in the air for a second, adjusting to my added weight, but he then righted himself and slowly began to make his way up towards the ceiling.

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