Z-mazing!: Dawn's POV

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Growlithe bounded several feet ahead of me as we made our way back to the campsite as I tried to ignore the burning in my lungs and back. Goodness, the ocean really did a number on me, I thought grimly as Growlithe ran tirelessly ahead of me. Seeing his increased speed just from two weeks of our daily jogs was gratifying, but it seemed like the faster he got, the slower I did and that wasn't so fantastic.

Breathing heavily, I ran to the campsite. Holding a hand up to cover my sweaty face from Paul as I dashed into my tent, I plopped down on my sleeping bag, and got my breathing under control. Growlithe barked happily at me, jumping up and down on Piplup who shrieked in fear and then anger at the rude awakening. His angry yelling woke up Eevee, who had curled up on my pillow during my absence. 

Tiredly I pulled Eevee into my lap as Cutiefly flew up around me and began fanning me with a weak Fairy Wind. The gentle wind cooled me down nicely and I smiled gratefully at her.

"Are you all ready for some training today?" I asked as my heartbeat finally began to get back to normal. 

Growlithe barked energetically and Piplup raised his flipper eagerly, forgetting his previous anger. Smiling at them all I shooed them out of the tent so I could change out of my tracksuit and into my normal day clothes. Once I was changed and I tamed my crazy hair I left my tent, surprised to see that my pokemon had already been served breakfast.

Blinking in surprise I looked over at Paul who was spreading butter on a small pile of toast that I assumed he had crisped over the open fire somehow. Looking at him now I still couldn't believe that he had offered to teach me. I also hadn't expected him to be so concerned about me crying.

I wonder if he avoids people because he is actually really kind and doesn't want to act on that part of his personality, I thought to myself as I hesitantly walked over to him. 

He glanced up, noticing my approach, but quickly turned back to his toast. I sat across the fire from him and he pushed the plate of toast at me without a word. With a small smile I took one and bit into a corner, surprised when I could taste a gentle honey flavor.

"You use honey butter?" I asked in shock and he gave me a challenging look.

"Yah, got a problem with that?" he asked gruffly and I tried to keep from grinning at his reaction.

"Nope. It's yummy, thank you," I replied sweetly and he narrowed his dark purple eyes at me before grabbing a slice for himself and taking a large bite. "So, what is the plan for today?" I asked eagerly and Paul gestured towards the Volcano.

"You're going to take on the Wela Volcano trial," Paul said firmly and I blinked.

"Oh, I thought we would train a bit before I did another trial," I remarked in surprise and Paul scoffed.

"The Wela Volcano trial is a fire type trial. As weak as Piplup appears, I'm pretty sure he could beat the totem with his eyes closed," Paul said flatly but I felt a flush of happiness go through me at the casual compliment.

"Okay, we'll do our best then," I said with a grin and Paul narrowed his eyes at me.

"Actually..." he said before pausing. I had been about to take another bite and as the seconds passed I slowly closed my mouth on the toast, never taking my eyes from Paul who seemed to be avoiding my gaze.

"What?" I asked, covering my mouth with a hand as I swiftly chewed.

"I want you to try and use the Waterium Z," he admitted finally. 

I inhaled with surprise and my toast tried to go down the wrong tube, causing me to cough. Paul frowned at me as I set the toast back on the plate and coughed violently for a few minutes.

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