Bitter Battle: Paul's POV

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"Ribombee, use Quiver Dance," Dawn said in a dull, airy tone. 

As Ribombee swayed to one side and the next a yellow light circled around her, raising her special attack, special defense, and her speed. Before she finished though I made my move.

"Rock Slide, now," I said quickly and Lycanroc howled. Rocks formed above Ribombee as she danced and they began to fall, aiming for Ribombee's petite body.

"Dodge it, Ribombee," Dawn said dully and I gritted my teeth when Ribombee zipped out from under the falling rocks without hardly any effort. 

We won't get anywhere if she can outspeed us, I thought, trying to remain cool and not dwell on the fact that my girlfriend had been brainwashed by a psychopath.

"Use Rock Polish," I ordered. Lycanroc barked and a white sheen swept over her fur-covered body, boosting her speed. "Go in for an Iron Head!" I ordered. 

She immediately leaped forward and as she rushed towards Ribombee her body became metallic.

"Energy Ball, rapid-fire." 

My eyes widened as Ribombee hovered where she was but then let loose a barrage of small Energy Balls like a machine gun. The Energy Balls peppered Lycanroc's body and she stumbled, crashing to her side with a yelp. She was quick to get back to her feet but Dawn had already sent Ribombee to the other end of the battlefield. I grit my teeth when she called for another Quiver Dance but I shook my head, ordering myself to focus on the battle.

"Rock Polish again and then use Rock Throw," I ordered. 

The white sheen from before once again flashed across Lycanroc's body and a circle of pointed stones burst into life around her head. Lycanroc's aim was spot on, but Ribombee's boosted speed allowed her to narrowly miss all of the rocks that Lycanroc was trying to throw at her.

Calm down and THINK Paul! I ordered myself angrily.

"Rock Polish one more time and get behind her," I ordered. 

Lycanroc did as I said and I frowned when Ribombee hovered in the spot that she had ended up in after dodging Lycanroc's attack. Dawn didn't give any kind of order as Lycanroc dashed forward, so fast her body looked almost like a blur.

"Iron Head!" I yelled, wondering why Dawn wasn't saying anything. Lycanroc leaped, her body covered head to toe in a metallic sheen.

"Energy Ball, full power," Dawn finally said. 

Ribombee spun around and created an Energy Ball twice the size of her body. I saw Lycanroc twist to try and avoid the massive attack but Ribombee sent it hurling towards her and it slammed into her stomach where it exploded. Lycanroc fell to the ground with a yip of pain and I clenched my fists to repress my anger as her side rose and fell with her ragged breathing.

"You can do this, Lycanroc. Get up and use Rock Slide!" I yelled. 

Lycanroc's legs were shaking but she boosted herself onto her feet and howled. Rocks appeared over an entire half of the battlefield and even with her boosted speed, Ribombee wasn't able to dodge all of the rocks. I breathed a sigh of relief when one of them finally hit their mark, smacking Ribombee roughly and she flipped crazily through the air. But before she reached the ground she corrected her fall and flew back up to Dawn's eye level.

"Rapid fire Energy Ball," Dawn said in a monotone.

"Dodge it, Lycanroc!" I yelled. 

She tried. Her boosted speed let her dodge the bullet-like Energy Balls for a few seconds, but her exhausted legs gave out and she tripped. I clenched both hands into fists in frustration as Lycanroc fell to the ground and Ribombee blasted her with round after round of the tiny energy balls which all exploded on contact with her body. Once Ribombee had finished she hovered back towards Dawn and as the dust cleared it was obvious that Lycanroc had fainted.

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