Pachirisu Can't Beat an Aggron: Paul's POV

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I stood outside of the grass-covered battlefield where Dawn was listening to the referee go over the rules for her three-on-three battle. She was battling a young boy, he didn't look any older than 14, but I remembered watching him battle back during the second round and I had been impressed with the balance of attack and defense moves he had taught his pokemon. I shook my head when Dawn was lucky enough to go second, which meant that she would be able to be reactionary to her opponent's pokemon choices.

Glancing over at her opponent, who I thought the referee had called Hani, I watched as he reached for his belt and chose a Pokeball. I didn't hear what he said as he released the pokemon but I blinked slowly as a nearly seven-foot-tall Aggron materialized on the battlefield. The pokemon let out a tinny roar and I looked over to see which pokemon Dawn would choose. 

She regarded the hulking mound of steel and spikes briefly. As I thought of her pokemon I figured she would go with Mirageon, who had the obvious type and speed advantage. Dawn slowly turned away from the huge creature and I blinked when she locked eyes with me. A slow, wicked smile spread across her face and I narrowed my eyes, wondering what she was thinking. She turned away from me and selected the Pokeball at the very back of her lineup along her belt. She yelled out her signature, "Spotlight!" phrase, and as the pokemon appeared I nearly choked when I saw a fluffy white and blue tail attached to a tiny body.

"Pachirisu?" I whispered in disbelief under my breath. "She can't be serious," I groaned as the little munchkin jumped up and down excitedly, not seeming to realize that the mountain of a pokemon in front of it could squish it like a caterpie with one step.

"Battle begin!" the referee said loudly.

"Aggron, use Take Down," Hani said with a broad grin. I sighed, wondering whether I should comfort or berate Dawn after the battle.  However, to my surprise, Dawn smiled.

"Run around it and climb up its back!" Dawn instructed. 

Faster than I could believe Pachirisu lunged forward, streaking fearlessly towards the charging Aggron, and then deftly dodged to the left, circling around and jumping onto the Aggron's tail. Pachirisu held on for a second to steady himself before confidently climbing up until it was sitting on top of Aggron's head. I groaned when I realized that the crazy thing was actually dancing as if this was the most fun it had had in a long time.

"Knock it off, Aggron!" Hani yelled, looking confused.

"Use Nuzzle, Pachirisu!" Dawn yelled at the same time. 

Aggron whipped his head back and forth, trying to get the little pest off, but Pachirisu jumped down to Aggron's shoulder and then rubbed his yellow cheek briskly against Aggron's. A small electric charge transferred from Pachirisu and traveled over Aggron's entire body. I watched in surprise as the electric charges continued to go up and down the beast's body and I realized that it was paralyzed.

"Jump down, Pachirisu," Dawn said with a grin, seeming completely relaxed and in control.

Her pokemon immediately obeyed. Hopping down, he flipped several times before touching down lightly on the ground and running over to stand in front of his trainer, bouncing happily on his feet.

"Use Iron Tail, Aggron," Hani said, looking a little annoyed. 

Aggron's tail glowed silver but he stumbled as he tried to take a step closer to Pachirisu, who was still bouncing around excitedly.

There's no way, I thought in disbelief as I looked at Dawn's calm smile.

"Pachirisu, use Rain Dance," she commanded and I furrowed my brow. 

Now, what are you up to?

Pachirisu raised its tiny paws towards the air and began dancing around singing out, "Chipa chipa!" in its squeaky voice. Clouds began to form over the rectangle of the battlefield and a light drizzle began to fall. The electric charges continued to spark up and down Aggron's body as the raindrops slid down his metal body and I thought I saw steam come out of his nose from his pent-up annoyance at this little pest.

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