Don't Say You Like Me: Dawn's POV

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 I helped Nalani make breakfast for all of us after she and Makani woke up. Spending time with them in their simple home and watching Nalani and Makani interact with each other had filled me with a strange longing for something similar. Those feelings were dangerous though since obviously my subconscious was a lot more bold than I was.

My cheeks heated up a little bit as I thought of how I woke up cuddling Paul's arm as if it was Piplup or Mirageon. Paul had seemed slightly annoyed, but he hadn't really commented on it and I wasn't brave enough to apologize again. 

Shaking my head at the memory I grinned as little Nani tugged on one of the small strings that hung from my shirt down to almost my knee. Reaching down I tickled her sides and she giggled delightedly, dashing away from me and hiding behind her mom's legs. I wanted to bring out my pokemon and let her play with them, but the trailer was so small already that I didn't want to impede on their space any more than we already were, so I resisted.

After breakfast was over we said our goodbyes and I followed Paul out of the trailer home, waving sadly to little Nani. Since we had left our mudsdale behind we started the day and a half trip to Tapu Village on foot. We stopped briefly to let out our pokemon and feed them but Paul returned his as we continued walking. I left my pokemon out at first, but as the day got increasingly warmer they all seemed to be losing energy so I returned them to their Pokeballs as well. The sun was merciless today and I eventually took off my beanie and began to use it as an ineffective fan.

"Do you want to take a break?" Paul asked suddenly and I looked over at him and smiled tiredly.

"That'd be great. I can't believe how hot it is. It's October already!" I complained and Paul shrugged, not seeming to mind the heat. 

He walked off the path and I followed him through the trees until we came to the large river we had camped along last time we were here. I knelt next to the river and dipped my hands in, sighing with pleasure as the cool water washed over them. Paul knelt down and scooped a small handful of water and took a drink before splashing his face and arms with the rest.

"Are you ready for lunch?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Okay, I think we have some onigiri left," I said and stood up. 

Paul stood up too but he looked out at the river as if expecting to see an interesting pokemon about to breach the river's surface. A wicked idea came to my mind and before I could lose my nerve I casually walked behind Paul, rummaging through my backpack for my food storage. Once I was in position though I dropped my backpack and shoved Paul's back. He yelled in surprise, and managed to keep one foot on dry ground, but his other foot fell into the river with a splash and I laughed triumphantly.

"Is that how we're doing it then?" Paul asked, turning around and giving me with an evil smirk. A sense of foreboding filled me and I took a cautious step back as I tried to stop my laughter.

"N-no. I'm sorry, that was childish," I spluttered amidst giggles and backed up slowly as Paul pulled his soaked shoe from the river and began walking towards me.

"Paul, stop! No!" I squealed, turning to try and run away but Paul was too fast. 

Before I knew what was happening he grabbed me around my waist with one arm, then scooped my feet off the ground as he looped his other arm under my knees. I pushed against his solid chest in protest as Paul marched me over to the river and to my shock he stepped into the river and began walking out until the water came up to his waist. I glanced down at the river below me and then up at Paul's face and he gave me a self-satisfied smirk.

"You wouldn't..." I protested, glancing down at the water below me again. 

Paul gave me a wicked grin, held me away from his body, and then dropped me without warning. I sucked in a breath as I hit the water and submerged, grateful that I had already taken off my beanie so it didn't float away. Getting my feet under me I stood up, gasping for breath and pushing my hair out of my face. Paul folded his arms and smirked at me, cocking one eyebrow up in a superior expression.

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