Don't Be Scared: Paul's POV

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As we walked back to the Pokemon Center after Dawn's battle with Nanu I forced her to tell me exactly what those idiots had done to her. I was relieved when she explained and said that they hadn't tried to touch her inappropriately, but I still harbored a desire to kill those two idiots who took her. She seemed to be doing okay though so I tried to relax, but there was something else that was bothering me.

When I went after Dawn it was instinctive; a desperate need to protect her and make sure she was safe had gripped me and completely taken over all rational thought. I felt a little foolish when she told me that Guzma had already rescued her from the perpetrators by the time I got there, but what really bothered me was how Dawn had reacted to me showing up. When she called out my name and I saw her standing at the top of the stairs my entire body seemed to melt with relief. Then when she ran and threw herself into my arms I naturally pulled her to me and had actually thought that I never wanted to let her go.

I'm getting too attached to Dawn, I admitted to myself as we walked along a raised wooden path that meandered through a field of red flowers. 

My thoughts began to jumble together as I considered what I should do if Dawn was experiencing the same feelings as I was. Nothing good could come of our feelings being mutual. I'd prepared myself mentally for telling her goodbye, at least I told myself I had, but I hadn't thought that Dawn would feel the same way for me. Seeing the mirage image of her saying that she felt like she owed me and wanted to pay me back had actually made me think that she only saw me as a teacher, which was exactly what I wanted her to feel.... But her running into my arms and her reluctance to let me go after I got a hold of myself and pulled away.... That might spell trouble.

"Paul? Are you okay?" Flinching slightly at her voice I looked down to see that Dawn was giving me a concerned look. "Were you thinking about my battle?" she asked hesitantly.

I blinked, shaking myself out of my thoughts concerning emotions and feelings and trying to focus on the present.

"No, sorry, I was spacing out a bit," I mumbled and Dawn's eyes widened.

"You? Spacing out?" she asked in shock.

I scowled at her, nearly reaching out to rub the beanie on her head, but I stopped and looked away from her.

"Did you want to talk about your battle?" I asked gruffly and Dawn sighed.

"I just feel like it shouldn't have been so hard to beat his persian. If I had reacted better to his Fake Out attack then I don't think Ribombee would have lost," she said sadly and I nodded.

"He was a weird guy, but he uses strategy during his battles. I think you did well with what you had to deal with though," I said honestly and Dawn looked up at me in surprise and then smiled radiantly.


Forcing myself to look away from her happy face I nodded, staring straight ahead at the PokeCenter that was set up just beyond the flower field we were walking through. When we arrived we left our pokemon with Nurse Joy and wandered into the cafeteria area. It was a little past noon and neither Dawn or I had eaten breakfast, so we loaded our plates.

I like that Dawn eats a healthy amount, I thought absently but then quickly shook my head and concentrated on the food in front of me. Stop it, Paul. Don't ruin this. If Dawn finds out about my feelings I'm going to have to leave her sooner than later.

Dawn and I finished eating and as we walked back to the nurse's center to pick up our pokemon I felt a small tug on the back of my shirt. Turning I saw that Dawn was looking off to the side and blushing slightly.

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