Chapter 9

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*Ace's POV*

OH MY GOSH! I felt as if I was going to melt. I was partners with Emily. I felt my heart racing for both reasons. We ran through the hallways into the Lab. "Stay down and check that side." Emily whispered to me. I kept my cool and did as I was told. The chemicals were still brewing and the colors were glowing. I felt so mesmerized by the colors. Blue, red, green, orange, they all bubbled and popped. I walked over to the chemicals and looked inside curiously.

"Do you think the key could possibly be in one of these?" I asked Emily. She looked back at me and saw me looking at the bottles. "I don't know." She said. She walked over to me and looked at the other bottles filled with chemicals. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach when she crouched down next to me to look at the bottles. I stood up and continued to look around. Nothing was on any of the shelves except for a couple of glasses and stuff.  I walked over to the teacher's drawer and opened it. Papers lay in the draw and I looked through them carefully.

I found a small pair of spectacles and grabbed them. "Hey Em." I said. She turned around and her eyes grew wide. "Hello little one." I said in the best grandma voice I could. She laughed and shook her head. "You're weird." She said after she cleared her throat. I smiled, "Thanks for the compliment." I took of the glasses and out them back in the drawer safely.

I closed the drawer and headed to the metal closet. 'Hopefully there is something in here that can be useful.' I thought. I opened the doors and two big glasses fell to the floor and shattered. I jumped back and met Emily's eyes. "What did you do?!" She whispered angrily. I opened my mouth to speak but the sound of footsteps and the reloading of a gun interrupted. Emily grabbed me by the hand and look around for somewhere to hide. She ran around the room, dragging me with her, and found two boxes. "I am not going to fit in that." I said. She rolled her eyes and grabbed one of the boxes. "We don't have a choice." She said. She threw one to me and hopped into hers.

The footsteps grew louder and louder. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. "Get in the box." She demanded. I nodded. I put the huge box over my head and once I knew I was completely under it I waddled to the corner of the room. All we had to do now was wait. Then the door creaked open. I held my breath and listened to what was going on. "Come out, come out wherever you are." He laughed. I heard him slam his gun against the metal closet and I almost yelped. I am pretty sure that I was shaking now. Then the sound of shattering glass came to my right. "If you won't come out willingly," He said, "I'll make you come out." Then the sound of flames crackling came closer and closer to me and then the door shut.

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