Chapter 11

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*Caleb's POV*

I inserted the key into the door and triend to turn it. "This is not the right door." I said. She sighed and nodded. "We need to go check the others, quickly." She said. I grabbed the key and ran down the hallways with Janet following close behind. Our footsteps echoed in the hallways so we stopped running. "Who do you think that was?" Janet asked. I sighed sadly. "I-I have no clue." I said as I looked down at the floor. 'Please be alright Ace.' I thought. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head to look behind me.

"It's alright. He is going to be okay." She told me. "How did you know what...?" "I know that he is a good friend of yours and I could tell, by the expression on your face, that you are worried about him." She explained. I sighed and looked away sadly.

"You really are smart, aren't you Janet?" I asked her. She looked surprized but then the expression turned into a sad smile. "Y-yeah...I guess so." She said, blushing. I smiled at her. "What's it like?" I asked. She hesitated. "I-It could be good but it can also be bad." She said. I looked back at her confused. 'Bad? How could being smart be bad?' I wondered. "H-how could I be bad?" I asked her. She sighed sadly and rubbed her arm shyly. "W-well people usually make fun of me for being a "nerd", they sneer at me and talk behind my back because apparently I'm trying to "show off", and people beat me to force me to their homework so that they can pass the class." She said.

I widened my eyes. 'People did this to her?!' I though angrily. I gritted my teeth and growled. "What kind of sick person would do that?!" I asked her. She jumped a little when she realized how angry I was. "P-pretty much everyone except for my best friend, you, and the people trapped here with us." She said. I growled again and clench his fists. "D-don't be mad. It happens to me all the time." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I calmed down just a little bit and looked down at her. Her black glasses lay on the bridge of her nose and her eyes sparkled. I sighed and smiled at her.

"Sorry for getting mad." I apologized. She smiled and nodded, "It's alright." We stared at each other for a while until we heard loud footsteps. I snapped back to reality and grabbed her wrist. "Come on!" I whispered. We ran into a small dark room and hid in a small metal closet.

Her body was squished against mine and I felt uncomfortable. I was just happy that it was too dark for her to see me blushing. 'What am I thinking?!' I shook my head and tried to calm my heart rate. Then footsteps entered the rolm, making me and Janet freeze in place.

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