Chapter 14

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*Micah's POV*

I had fun teasing her back there. It's actually pretty easy to make her angry which kind of makes this a little more fun for me. Though I need to limit my jokes and stuff so that she doesn't get too angry and give us away with her loud voice.

I looked back at her. She looked aggravated and her face was red.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She stayed quiet for a little bit and then sighed. "You're annoying." She said. I chuckled and turned away. "Really?" I asked. "YES!" she yelled angrily. I glared at her and stopped walking so that she can catch up. "What? She asked. "Stop being so loud." I told her. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Do you want to get us killed?" I asked her. "No." She said with an attitude.

'I wonder if I can trade for a new partner.' I thought. "I can be loud if I want to." She stated. I was being to get annoyed by her. "Yes I know. Trust me I know. You are the only one that I could hear from the cheer team." I told her. She puffed her chest out and stood proudly. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Hey you smiled!" She exclaimed. I frowned immediately and wrapped my arm around her to cover her mouth. "Hey!" She screamed into my hand. "Be quiet." I demanded. She continued to mumble into my hand. "Get your hand off of my face!" She yelled in a muffled voice. "No." I said simply. She growled and licked my hand. "Ew! What in the world!" I exclaimed as I wiped my hand.

"Hah! I'm not the only loud one!" She yelled. I glared at her angrily and continued to clean my hand. "It's not that bad." She said. I reached into my pocket and put hand sanitizer on my hand. "Really?" She asked in an annoyed tone. "Yes really. I don't want to get sick because of you." I said. She threw her arms in the air. "I'M NOT EVEN SICK!" She yelled. My heart skipped a beat as her voice echoed throughout the entire building. I heard footsteps running and I grabbed her wrist.

"You're an idiot!" I told her as I desperately tried to find us a place to hide. She stayed silent and let me drag her. I came to a small room and closed the door behind us.

"The janitor's closet, huh?" She said. I could sense the smile growing on her face. 'WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!' I screamed in my head. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I saw her leaning forward with her eyes closed. I felt my cheeks heat up and I put my hand on her face. "I am not kissing you." I told her. "Aw man, you're no fun." She pouted. She backed up a tiny bit and stayed silent for once. The footsteps grew louder and louder until finally that stopped. The door handle began to jiggle. I quickly grabbed a nearby mop and prepared to attack the man on the other side.

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