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Chapter 27: Tensed Members, Her Sudden Fear

S a n a

Our gaze went directly to where the sudden noise came from... We saw a female staff standing at the end of the hallway with shock expression upon seeing our position. After things had finally settled down with her she quickly picked up the metal spoon and run back towards the direction where she came from with out lifting her head or looking back again.

Me and Jungkook had broke the contact between us and trying to absorb thing up. "I think someone just saw us..." I said while trying not to stutter because fear was already evident in my face.

"Someone really did... Ugh this is frustrating!" he said as he shuffled his hair to a mess "Hey anae, I'll talk to the hyungs about this matter and try to seek help from Pdnim don't worry. But for now lets part ways before going to our respective chairs..." he said with his head down.

"I hope this will not flood over the internet or else we are both done... Our fans are definitely possessive about their idols. I don't want our careers to go down fall especially Twice because we are just on the rise and BTS are living the life of their dreams... We can't be so selfish and protect our groups at the same time... What will Jihyo said as our leader?" I asked him worriedly before slightly gripping his hand out of tension.

"Don't worry RM hyung know about us right? I will ask hyung to help me, we don't have dating ban under Big Hit Entertainment and your dating ban was just lifted, I will ask Bang Pdnim to pull some strings for me... We won't get in trouble unless dispatch will caught us, but they haven't yet so, they clearly don't know a single thing about us yet. I want you to calm down and return to your seat as if nothing had happen okay?" he asked me while staring at my eyes like looking directly at my soul. I sighed in defeat before finally loosing the grip in his had and the first one to withdraw the eye contact.

"I understand... I'll head to the comfort room, Dahyun is there but I am still nervous as hell. Let's get this settled right away hmm?" I said as I asked for confirmation from him and he gave me a nod before i run towards the deserted hallway to the comfort rooms.









J u n g k o o k

I calmed myself down before I walk through the hallway where Sana had gone through earlier. I had encountered Jhope hyung, Jin hyung and Jimin hyung coming from the comfort room direction so I decided to join them on the way to our assigned seats.

Jimin hyung's mood is now a lot better than mine. They were actually teasing each other while we walk but I just stayed silent as I could. Honestly I am nervous, I am afraid of what will be the outcome of what happened. i looked to the chairs of Twice when we pass through their seats, only seven members where around and I didn't see her, probably she is still with Dahyun-ssi since she was not around as well.

We took our seats, the hyungs enjoyed the night and I didn't I just sit there motionless and cold as I think of what to do. Jhope hyung asked me in curiousity "Hey kookie you seem to be not yourself tonight? Are you okay? Jimis is already back at his senses but him being down suddenly transferred to you?" 

Since he was on my left direction I tilted my head sideways supposed to give him a 'huh?' look just to  get away with the topic but my eyes landed on a particular person staring blankly at the stage. She had the same tensed look on her eyes like mine and like feeling uneasy. She is really worried as I am.

"Hey?" Jhope hyung nudge me to bring me back to my senses "Oh it's just the wisdom tooth That was recently removed, I feel a slight pain.." I quickly said without leaving my gaze off her. "Better have it checked tomorrow." Suga hyung joined the conversation so I just gave them a nod.

A few minutes later the members of Twice moved out from their seats and headed to the backstage. I sighed deeply as I saw my wifey's back figure making her way with her members. I just hope that their performance will not be affected with her being tensed because of what recently happened.

The time passed quickly to the point that two idol groups were already done performing and it is their turn next to perform. Their VCR was being shown on the wide screen. V hyung who was in between me and Jimin hyung was playing around through the first part of the VCR but wheb Sana, Tzuyu and Dahyun's part came to the screen he gave me a mischievous look with Sana's face on the screen. When Tzuyu ssi's part came it was Jimin hyung's turn to tease V hyung but I didn't understand about their bickering, so I didn't mind them.

I just focused my attention the girls performing at the stage. All the things that fan tells about them bringing a happy mood is all true. I was glad that my anae was able to perform at her best looking as natural as ever. My mood got a little better after seeing her enjoy their stage.

V hyung at myside was constantly doing the yes or yes sign that made me and Jimin hyung burst into laughter. V hyung whispered something to Jimin hyung that got my attention when they started talking. "What?" I said when both their gazes went to me. "You fine now?" Jimin hyung said half shouting because of the noise from the fans. I just gave them a nod.

"Good I thought that you'll end up locking himself in the comfort room that Jimin hyung did. Seriously guys what is up with you lately? And I want to talk to you both after we got home to settle things personal or not. Anyway, Jimin no ditching of our vocal lessons, I've just had a cold so my voice is not so stable, and you need to stop straining your voice or else worse may happen." V hyung said while looking intently to the stage.

"I know Taehyungie, and how dare you to address me Jimin when I am two months older than you!" Jimin said while trying to hide his laughing face with a bit angry voice "It means no sleep for the three of us for tonight then..." I said which they shoot me daggers by their eyes "hyungs..." I continued so that their death stares would have come to stop.

I will probably ask these two older brothers on what to do with the current situation since V hyung knew already about my relationship he will probably help me explain it to Jimin hyung.


I'm never going to shut up how Twice managed to sold out their US tours with out any sponsor, any promotion, any interview or TV shows and no US debut. I wanna yell to all those kpopies who says that Twice is only popular in Asia and will never do good in the western.

Shout out at JYP Pdnim, when will you let these girls have their US debut? Anyway is Mina already feeling well? I didn't have any updates for days because I was a busy bee.

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