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Chapter 32: The Date and Their Confessions (A Taetzu Special Chapter Part 2)

T z u y u

"Tzuyu – ssi can you be honest with me? I just wanted to know the truth...






Where you the one who sent me the gift way back on 2016? The headband and the sweatshirt? I saw you wearing same brand once back then in 2017..." he asked me all of the sudden that made my eyes widen in shock because of the sudden drop of the question.

It took me a few minutes of silence before I could finally "Ahm, where did you get such joke sunbae? I never did haha..." I tried to deny the fact inside of the me. He gave me a serious look and stare at me straight to the eyes that will surely reach anyone's soul if he stared at you like that. It made me sigh in defeat and meet his gaze.

"Fine, yeah it was me sunbae..." I admitted "It was a gift for looking out for Gucci when he was lost back then but the package arrived a few months late. I didn't directly write my name as the sender, but I was hoping that you will get the message through the headband and the note... I feel like I owe you something, so I sent you the gift." I said as I slowly held my head down in embarrassment.

He closed the distance between us as he took the cup from my hand and placed in the table in front of us. Then he used his right hand to hold my chin and lift my head up to meet his gaze. "Hey, you don't need to be shy. In fact, I liked it because among all people I had helped with little things back then didn't bother to give me gifts. You already said thanks but still decided to send me a gift that made me notice you among others." he said "Tzuyu, you want to hear a confession?" he added.

"What confession sunbae?" I said with a puzzled look "I, ah I actually liked you since then when I first saw you during sixteen on the streets of Seoul promoting for your gorilla concert. It was at late night you were with Nayeon and Jungyeon. I was actually the one whom you gave one of your flyers, the one wearing a thick jacket, a cap and a mask in the middle of summer. You grabbed my attention since then. I was happy when you debuted and had supported you since then, I am actually an active member of your fan café under the nickname of KimTT. Whenever fans caught us wearing same items on different days it is because I secretly and purposely ask some ARMY who are also a ONCE to hand over my gift for you and tell you to wear it..." he admitted to me while I try to absorb all the details.

"Please don't be mad at me or look at me as if I am weird cause I am... I just liked you since then... So, I decided to learn Chinese and announced it on a fan meet. The phrases I said, that you are so beautiful, and I love you was all meant for you. I purple you was an I love you meant for you..." he continued while looking at me seriously waiting for a response coming from me.

"Can I make a confession too sunbae?" I said after a few minutes, then he gave me a go on look "I had actually a crush on you back then when I saw your teaser photos for your debut..." I started "I was just new here on Korea and I don't know anything yet but when I saw you and learn your story it motivated me to work harder and debut as an idol. As the years passed, I still had liked you and supported you from afar. Attended you fan signs from a distance, sending you gifts which I don't know if you had ever noticed, joined your fan café and even got in contact with you at SNS. Remember the fan with the username 'hi?'... Actually... It was... It was me..." I looked away to hide the shyness I had due to confessing my secret with him...

He held my chin to let me face him again "Hey look at me... I like you, no scratch that I love you for so long and you like me also... I have been a coward before but let me at least tell this to you...This is not a romantic place and not an appropriate time yet, but I want to tell it to you now... Tzuyu – ssi let's date officially... I am not asking you to say yes on this, it's a statement rather than a question... We will date whether you like it, or you like it. You got only two choices either it be a yes or a yes..."

I closed the distance between us this time much closer than before, then I hung my arms in his neck. Having our face only an inch between each other and our noses almost touching the tips of each other. "Who says I'm going to say no anyway? Oppa..." I said as I gave him a shy smile.

"Well miss Chou, you just made me the happiest man alive and I can't wait to change that surname of yours into mine..." I moved back a little thinking about what he had just said "Is that an indirect proposal mister Kim? But, Kim Tzuyu? I think I like the sound of that..." I said while grinning widely. "Well you can say that miss Kim... Base on your smile, you sure do like it..." he replied before closing the distance between us again. Then he lowered his head to meet mine and as the distance between us is closing, I just closed my eyes in response. Then seconds later a soft lip had touched mine, it was a gentle yet a kiss that reaches the soul.

After a few moments he started moving his lips and deepening the kiss between us which I responded the equal love he had given me through the kiss as I clung more to his neck for support then he slowly moved his had to my waist to hold me in his arms. Then, he broke the kiss the moment that we both felt that we are already out of breath.

"I will totally set for a romantic dinner one time when we are both not busy and formally ask you to be my girl, this is not so romantic..." he said as if talking to himself while looking at my eyes with his hands still on my waist to keep me close to him.

"Nah, it is fine... This is fine... I clearly love the way how you, oppa had confessed to me... I don't need romantic set ups, a simple yet straight to the point confession is enough for me... Besides, all I need is an assurance that you will love me for who I am and love my sisters and my family without feeling obligated."

"We are just a match made in heaven, I also want my girl to assure me that she loves me for who I am, will love bangtan and will love family... Borahe jagi..." I leaned on his chest like I was a child hugging him "Nado, nado saranghae..." I replied "But we really had forgotten about the hot cocoa who is now cold and the foods that was served..." I continued that made us both laugh upon remembering the foods in the table.

"Ya jagi, I still haven't got your number all these time... How can I forgot to ask you that?" he said with a frown in his face that made me laugh a little and took my phone from my pocket... "Here have your number saved here oppa, and I will call you so you could save mine too..." I said while handing him my personal phone. He quickly opened it up and pressed some keys. "Come, get close to me..." he said as he motioned me to get closer and so I did. He opened the camera of the phone then took a photo of us. "There, perfect..." he said as he showed me the photo where we were both doing his signature V pose.

I got my phone and clicked to contacts, I find his name under the contact Eevee Bwi and I pressed the call button. Seconds later his phone rings. "That's me... just save it oppa..." He did as what I said, and we continued to eat the food that we had totally forgotten a while ago while talking random stuffs.

I just can't believe what just had happened... The man of my dreams is now literally my boyfriend and had just confessed to me a very shocking revelation. But I am happy at the same time.... He was my long - time crush and he told me he loves me which made me think that maybe I am just lucky enough to accept all of these...


I was supposed to wait until the last chapter reaches 10 votes but I think it will take long so I will do an update even though I am running out of drafts. Hoping and praying that my dad will buy me a new charger so I could sync my wattpad account in my phone and my laptop to update the other parts.

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