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Chapter 35: Someone's Back, For Good? Or For Worst?

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It was almost evening in Korea when we arrived, but we were greeted by flashing cameras, banners, screaming and cheering from fans congratulating us for winning an artist of the year award at Melon Music Awards even though we didn't make it to the awards ceremony. We were being accompanied by the airport's security team and our staff to our van when my phone suddenly ring, I picked it up only to find out a call from my parents.

"Hey mom, what's with the sudden call?" I asked my mom directly. "Not even an I miss you mom my daughter?" I made myself get into the van while our staff handle my luggage. "Yeah, I missed you mom... Now tell me what's with the sudden call?" she laughed at the background before speaking.

"Daniel your best friend just got home from America a few days ago and he dropped by at Osaka to get in contact with you since he didn't hear anything about you for quite a long time. I told him that you are currently staying at South Korea, so he went there to visit you. I hope you can meet him and talk to him since you both are friends for old times' sake..." she said, I looked at our manager in front and speak to him "Oppa, do we have a schedule today, I have to meet with a friend..." I said that made the members look into me.

"It's not Jungkook right?" Jihyo asked me suspiciously and I shook my head "Aniyo, it's my best friend in Osaka who came to meet me after a long time he was in America for a long time and decided to have a vacation. Mom had asked me a favor to meet him to catch up things..." I said "Okay..." the members said like they believed me. "No, you have a two days break before GDA so, I guess you can meet up with your friend but avoid being in public okay?" he said "Yes oppa..." I said before returning to the phone to talk to my mother.

"Where does he stay here? So, I could just visit him, and I don't know his number... I will visit him at 10 in the evening, I will wash my hair and change at our dorm first." I said "Don't worry he is just in Gangnam Hotel, I will try to contact him for you to tell him that you will visit. Take care honey enjoy!" she said as she ended the call.

The ride took only a few minutes to our dorm... We immediately went our rooms with our luggage to unpack and to rest. "Mina, Jihyo, can I take a shower first? I need to go out and meet a friend..." I asked and they gave me a slight nod before heading to their beds. After prepping up, I left a note at the kitchen island that I will be out for a while, because they seem to be resting at their rooms, before leaving.

I secretly made my way to Gangnam hotel without getting noticed. I had received a message from mom that Daniel was waiting for me at the restaurant on the ground floor wearing a white shirt seating at the corner table. I gave her a thanks reply before finally getting in. Gladly the restaurant was packed since it is almost 10 in the evening and a lot of people are just getting off from over time work.

I made my way to the direction that my mom had told me and spotted a familiar person at the exact same spot. So, I went near the place... "Daniel?" I asked the person in front of me. "Sana?" he asked to make sure it was really me. "Shh... Yeah it me..." I said then gave him a hush sign as I take the sit in front of him. "I almost didn't recognize you! I mean I know it is cold at this point of time but aren't you a little over covered dressed?" he said pointing my outfit that really almost covering me up just to hide myself in public.

"Can we go to a place with less people? This place is making me anxious..." I said trying to keep my voice low so no one could recognize me. "Okay..." he said as we both made our way out of the building a walked to a park nearby but away from the crowd.

I took my shades and mask off as soon as we approached an empty playground, then I made my way to sit in the swing as he did the same. "It's been a while... How are you?" he asked as we stare at the stars above the sky. "Fine, I guess... I should be the one asking you that you were in America for too long..." I said.

"I'm good... You changed a lot, the good way I mean. Why were you hiding your face earlier anyway? And why are we at an empty park? You love socializing when we were still kids..." he said in a tone which seem reminiscing. "Used to... But I can't do that now..." I said guessing that he didn't know about me being an idol.

"I missed you so much..." he said. "You missed your best friend?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him. "Yeah best friend..." he replied back in a low tone, "Why did you came here in Korea anyway? You could have enjoyed your stay at Osaka..." I said and looked away well I find it awkward to talk to him after a long time without meeting him.

"I came to see you, your mother told me you came here to live independently... I wanted to check if you are fine, besides it has been a long time since we last saw each other and might as well have a bond with you again... We were so close back then..." he replied to my question.

"You see I am perfectly fine... I gained some friends and I am happy with my life here Daniel... It was really nice meeting you after a long time but seems like all the years we have been apart made the friendship between us awkward unlike before..." I said honestly, "If you'll excuse me, I need to head back to our dorm before my friends notices that I am long gone... Enjoy your stay here in South Korea..." I turned to smile at him before getting up of the swing to take my leave.

"Wait!" he said as he got up from the swing too. "Let me walk with you to the bus stop at least... I know that my long absence will greatly affect our closeness from before and I came here to give it a try but I guess it didn't work out at all..." he said in a low tone with his head down as he walked with me out of the empty playground.

While walking on the dim path under the cherry blossoms tree that leads out of the park to the highway, he had suddenly asked me a random question that broke the silence between us. "Do you remember the promise we had made together when we were still a child?" he asked that made me puzzled "Which promise?" I replied trying to recall my memory from when I was 7 years old and below as far as which I could remember.

"The one we sealed together with a pinky swear... Remember I promised you that when we grow-up I will be your prince like anime character, and you will be my princess. We both love anime and wanted to become the prince and princess in the series that we both watched. I actually came to fulfill that promise..." he said as he pulled my left had to make me face him. Then the memories came flashing in my mind all of the sudden.

"I actually came here to ask you to be finally my princess as I will be your prince. I like you very much when we were kids, I wanted to grow into teens and into an adult with you if only we didn't have to move to America. I did well to study business so that I will earn a lot to make us a palace of our own, I give all my time studying that I forgot to call you or email you, so I am so sorry. But I didn't forget you all this time, my feelings as well just grew deeply for you... When I was already handling our business, which was booming in the western countries I decided to visit you at Osaka to fulfill my promise, but you were no longer there. You were here in Korea living independently..." he told me straight into the eyes as he pulled me closer to him closing the distance between the two of us. Leaving a few inches space between our faces as I try to register what is happening to my slow loading brain. He was staring straight at me that made me gulp a few times before blinking my eyes a lot of time when the scenario had finally strike me.

He pulled me closer again this time as helowered his head to level it with mine while slowly lowering his lips to mine...

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