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Like shimmers in the mirror, oh, so frequent, dawning's stray

Your beauty, ever clearer, fleeting miles and time away

Reflected in this heart of hearts, a vision for all time

Through all of time and space it spans, the reason in the rhyme

A dream of beauty, in the night, so welcome on the wing

Flies through your blood, to heart, so light, once more, the heart does sing

The wilding shimmers of your hair, a feast for all to see

The shimmer in those eyes of yours, I hope is all for me

All facets of the tides of life do shimmer with the dawn

The breath of sighs that fill the air, life, once more, carries on

So deep the beauty of your ways, no vessel can contain

The ways in which your beauty in my thoughts and heart remain

Your love and heart and caring are all held within the frame

In my heart for all of time, your beauty holds its claim

The shimmer of your presence on the wind is all my life


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