Question One:

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Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your dinner guest?

Every autumn, the phrase "the strictly curse" is repeated a million times over, as the nation watches as celebrities and professional dancers alike form stronger bonds than others do in years. From the outside, this can be hard to comprehend, Joe soon realised, but now it made perfect sense to him. After spending the last three weeks with Dianne, the two were as thick as thieves already, spending next to no time apart did that quickly, and he was so grateful that she put up with him. Although she was undoubtedly absolutely gorgeous, on the outside and in, he didn't see her as anything other than a brilliant friend. He found himself looking forward to her pushing him to his dancing limits and vowed to try and stay as long in the competition for as long as possible, before they would inevitably drift apart.

But right now, the late September sun had long since set, and the pair were both exhausted, after a long day of intense rehearsals, thatching and VT filming, but nether less were reluctant to leave the other, despite the promise of seeing each other first thing the next morning.

Currently, they were both sat on opposite sides off Dianne's hotel room bed, the soft memory foam toppers providing relief to their aching muscles as their eyelids started to droop. Both of them were too tired for a full conversation, but neither wanted to be in a lonely hotel alone room all evening, so they scrolled through their phones in near silence, aside from the occasional giggle at a meme on the other's phone.

"This is the first time I've been in a hotel with a girl since 2016" he remarked suddenly into the silence.

"Okaaaay Joe, that's nice to know," she laughed awkwardly, not really sure how to reply. "I've been in a hotel room with a boy since then, sorry to burst your bubble."

"Sorry, I don't know where that came from,"

"Neither do I" they chuckled, their exhaustion clear.

"I clearly follow too many couples on instagram,"

Almost unexpectedly, their tired moods slowly began to reflect in their conversation, as it began to take a deeper turn, or at least a turn deeper than that for two people who, a month ago, had no idea the other even existed.

"You almost never talk about your love life," The red head inquired, her eyes glazed with sleepiness, but bright with a spark of curiosity "why is that?"

"There's not much to tell to be honest, I've just never found the right girl you know? Not that the girls I've dated weren't nice, they were I just I don't know I...umm... no never mind." He stumbled over his words, still not used to his dance partner's rather direct manner. Dianne, being quite good at reading people, had guessed that this was the reason, especially after seeing him do the interviews for the show.

"Go on" her warm face and the lateness of the hour encouraging him to open up.

"I didn't really talk to them about anything, I just never really got close and open up to them and fully trust them I guess. My sister always says that's my biggest flaw, not really being able to deal with emotions. Yeah, something like that" He laughed, scratching his neck in embarrassment, a habit she had noticed from their very first day of training. "Where did that come from anyway?"

As usual, she didn't reply to his question directly "well Joseph, I've found the perfect thing for you."


She smiled, showing him an article on her phone '36 questions that lead to love'. "Look at this, do you think it could work?" she asked.

"That's where I've been going wrong! I've never asked that many questions!" He exclaimed in an attempt to lighten the sobering mood. "How would that even work though? Surely that's impossible? What would the questions even be like?" he asked her, his inquisitive mind taking over slightly.

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