Question Eleven:

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Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

It was almost the end of the cha-cha-cha. The pair were grateful for camera blocking, as they were up first. Most contestants got annoyed that they would have to stay at Elstree for the day, after technically doing all of the work for the day, but not Joe and Dianne, for they were grateful for the rest. However, they were only human and were starting to get bored.

"Shall we just do the next question or something?" Joe asked, as the two were sat in his dressing room together, with no chance of someone interrupting them.

"Just because it's my go first." Laughed Dianne.

"Well true, but do you want to do it or not?"

"Yeah go on then!"

"Okay Dianne Claire Buswell, take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible." He read.

"Four minutes? My entire life story? How will you know when the time is up? You know me Joe I could rabbit on for ages!" she protested, a sense of nervousness evident in her voice.

"I've got a phone timer. It's alright Di, I'll start it when you're ready."

"Yeah hang on, I'm not really sure what I'm doing." She said, her hands running through her hair in stress.

"Dianne are you alright?" he said, immediately picking up on her out of character behaviour.

"Yeah I'm fine."


"Yes you can start the timer now." She said, taking a deep breath. "I grew up in my home town of Bunbury, Western Australia to my dad Mark and mum Rina, I always tell people I'm from Perth because it's easier, but I'm not. I've always had two older brothers, Brendan the older one, and Andrew."

"Andrew is the one you used to dance with right?" he asked, interrupting her.

"Yes he is. Anyway what was I saying? Ah yes, I spent most of my childhood either at the beach, or daydreaming at school. One day, I saw Andrew dance for the first time, and was amazed at the costumes, the hair, the dresses, and the dancing too. I begged my mum to let me do dancing with him, I just wanted a pretty dress to twirl at the beginning but I fell in love with it. So all throughout school I did dance alongside. I was never a good kid at school, I just didn't like it. I wasn't naughty, I didn't get told off that much, only for daydreaming out the window or talking when I wasn't supposed to. Saying that, I was actually quite shy when I was little."

She saw Joe's surprised expression and laughed. "I know I can't imagine that either."

"Sorry, carry on." He smiled.

"So I struggled through school until the first week of year ten. I had still kept dancing, but I was realistic and put my sights on becoming a hairdresser, so I left to do an apprenticeship. This was one of the best times, I loved learning and chatting to people about their lives, and I was in my element. I loved it. At this point, I had started to dance with Andrew, and we entered competitions in our local area. It was amazing, we started taking it seriously, but our dance studio was too small for us, and we were at too high of a standard to continue there."

"So what did you do next?"

"Well there wasn't any other studios in the local area, so after teaching ourselves for a while, we moved. It was a risk, but we moved to the city instead. I had finished my hairdressing apprenticeship so I worked alongside dancing, and we started to do even better. We were adult new vogue champions in Western Australia a couple times, but we didn't want to compete forever. We then stopped dancing together, which I miss, but you can't keep dancing with your brother. I found another dance partner and kept dancing, who I ended up dating and then after that, joined burn the floor, which was honestly one of the best things I've ever had the privilege of being part of. "

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