Question Three:

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Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

It was a couple of days later, and the two were, as always, hard at work in the studio. Joe had progressed massively, his partnership with the red-head had improved day by day, both on and off the dance floor, and he had never felt this comfortable with anyone so quickly. Dianne was in her element, strictly, and the opportunity it gave her to teach a complete beginner how to dance showed her exactly why she had fallen in love with it so many years ago.

After several hours of hard-core training, Joe was begging for a break. "Please Di, I'm exhausted! Give me ten minutes and I'll be back at it but just let me rest my feet please!" Knowing how much she enjoyed the questions, he pleaded "we can even answer the next question if you want?"

She smirked, a cheeky grin playing on her ruby red lips, "Three more good runs in a row, and I'll let you have a rest." She said relishing in the power she had over her student turned friend.

"Fine," he said, knowing better than to push his luck any further.

She flashed a grin in response, for she was secretly exhausted too, the Charleston really took it out of them both, just because she was a professional it didn't mean that this routine wasn't physically demanding.

They were halfway into the second run, before Dianne's phone beeped, interrupting their performance.

"Thank goodness," Joe muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Dianne to hear him. She rolled her eyes jokingly before explaining the text "it's a message from production, about the props for this week. I better call them," Swiftly, she immediately dialled the number, slipping out of the studio in one smooth movement, the soft murmur of her chatter still coherent from outside the room.

Straining his ears slightly, he heard the snippets of conversation "yeah two hundred size will be good let's go with that," he held in his laughter, knowing that Dianne had absolutely no clue what she was going on about. "Hay barrels? What, Bundles?" yep, he thought to himself, not a single scooby.

Deciding that he probably shouldn't be listening to his partner's conversation when she was the one that had stepped out the room, and with nothing better to do than to rest and google the next question that was exactly what Joe did. With a practised few taps, he had found the next question. He laughed to himself at the question "well I already know her answer to that."

"Know whose answer to what?" He jumped, startled, having been unaware of her re-entrance into the room due to being focused on his phone. "Of course it's when I'm not trying to scare you it works," she laughed.

"You should know this Dianne, you-"

"Can never prank a Sugg I know" she finished, rolling her eyes fondly. "Now what were you saying?"

"Oh just the next question."

"Ooo what is it?" she said, immediately perking up from her already good mood.

"Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?" he read out, his blue eyes focused intensely on the screen in front of him.

"Oh," she chuckled, understanding his earlier comment. "No, I don't, well unless it's some really important thing that I don't really understand. Then I need to rehearse to find something to say. But no, not normally, I like to live life on the edge like that."

"Ooo you rebel," he said sarcasm oozing out of his voice.

"Like you can talk, I know you do," she grinned cheekily.

"Wait what how?"

"Hahaha I wasn't completely sure but now I know," she said, them both laughing at this.

"I walked into that one didn't I?"

"Yup!" she replied, looking very proud of herself.

"Alright I do rehearse what I'm going to say. I just get terrified I'm going to say the wrong thing and someone will hang up on me. At least if I rehearse it I'll have some idea of what I'm going to say and where the conversation should be going," he explained.

"I should try that."

"I'd recommend it."

"Well you could have recommended it a bit sooner, the production team were asking me so many questions about types of hay and sizes of roofs so if we end up thatching and dancing around a couple of dolls houses you know who to blame," she said, making the pair burst into laughter, clutching their stomachs, their eyes sparkling with joy under the studio lights.

Once they'd eventually calmed down to the stage of the occasional hiccup of a giggle, Dianne spoke: "right come on Joseph, today is the last day of rehearsals and you've had a break for way longer than ten minutes now."

He heaved himself up, before exclaiming "I'm ready!"

So they continued, spending hours running the routine, until both student teacher and student were satisfied and exhausted from their progress.

They left the studio side by side and went into the night, before going their separate ways.

"Goodnight Di"

"Goodnight Joe, sleep well I'll see you at Elstree in the morning?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there."

She turned and walked away into the night, a carefree spring in her step caused her hair to bounce behind her. He smiled, and walked into his waiting taxi. 

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