Question Eight:

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Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.

If there's one thing that Joe had certainly learnt from his experience on strictly, it's that dancers knew how to party. He'd currently found himself at the movie week after party, and was in awe at the energy of the pros, and also a lot of the celebrities as they continued to dance. By contrast, he was exhausted after simply stumbling his way through an American smooth.

Sighing softly to himself, he watched the others laughing and dancing with each other without feeling brave enough to join in. He'd been having quite a bit of imposter syndrome with the whole strictly thing recently, although he hadn't mentioned this to anyone. He just felt a bit out of place, like he wasn't supposed to be part of the show. After all, not considering yourself as a celebrity but then being marketed as one to the population of the UK was difficult to say the least. At the present moment, he was stood at the edge of the room, alone with a drink in his hand, as Stacey had just abandoned him to join in a dance.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of familiar hands jump onto his shoulders and red hair whip his face, the person pushing their entire body weight on Joe in a clear attempt to scare him. He'd heard her coming, but hadn't wanted to ruin her fun. "Did I get you?" a slightly intoxicated but very energetic Dianne asked him eagerly.

"Not quite." He smiled weakly.

"Ughhh!" she exclaimed, before seeing his face. "Are you alright there Joe, you can come and dance too?"

"I'm fine." He said a little bit too quickly.

"Are you sure?" she asked, no longer jumping around and speaking to him more quietly. He could barely hear her above the music, her excitement long forgotten as she looked at him, concerned. 

He nodded, in an attempt to reassure her.

"You're not." She said firmly, sobering up a bit more before leading him out of the room gently, out onto the terrace. It was cold in the autumn night, but right now they didn't care. It was dark, but the two could just make out each other's faces in the moonlight, thanks to the dusty amber glow of the streetlights below.

"Don't worry about me Di, you were having fun out there," he tried to protest but she refused.

"There's always another party, now what's up?" she questioned, concern laced in her tone. Seeing Joe as down as this was not something she had yet experienced.

He sighed, knowing now that she wasn't going to give up-it was something that he loved about her but at this present moment he wished she wasn't like this. "I don't really know to be honest, I'm struggling to fit into this I guess?"

"Has anyone been rude, because I'll sort them out?" she asked, flexing her arms in attempt to make him laugh, before realising he wasn't in the mood for that, not tonight.

"No no everyone has been lovely but I still don't feel like I should be here? Remember I said I don't really feel famous?"

"Yeah you said that when we did that question right?" she said, proud of herself for remembering.

"Yeah exactly. I don't really feel like I've done enough to be here. Like you have Stacey, who makes incredible hard hitting documentaries, Kate reads the news, Ashley and Faye who are pop superstars, Ranj being the brilliant doctor and presenter he is, and me, the one that still looks like a kid and makes videos in his bedroom." He tried to explain.

"Is that really how you see yourself?" she asked, genuine surprise in her voice.

"Yeah sometimes." He confessed quietly to the floor.

She took his hands in hers, and stepped closer, forcing him to turn to her and look her in the eyes. "Joseph Sugg you have no idea what you do for so many people. Yes you make videos in your bedroom but look how many people love them. Joe, you manage to make people all of the world laugh when they're upset, you deserve to be here."

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