Question Thirteen:

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If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

It was early. Far too early for Joe, who was a night owl at the best of times, but also needed all the precious sleep that he could get. Dianne was coping a lot better than him, bright eyed and fresh faced from the minute she got into their shared taxi. Joe blamed this on the extra ten minutes she had to get ready (as the taxi picked Joe up first) but deep down he knew that an extra ten minutes would not have made that much difference. It didn't help that Joe really didn't feel comfortable on live TV, as nice as Lorraine seemed, he was still nervous, so hadn't slept that well.

Unfortunately, despite the early start, the two were still losing quite a bit of training time to go on the show, which was very valuable to them, especially this week. In order to wake his brain up a little bit, and to also try and distract Dianne from the stress that was clearly building up, Joe rubbed his eyes sleepily before sitting up a little straighter and began to chat to his dance partner, who was immediately grateful for the distraction.

However the two began to quickly become uncomfortable when the taxi driver began to listen into their conversation, which became apparent when he snorted slightly at one of Joe's jokes. He noticed Dianne looking awkward, so Joe put up the plastic divider and continued the conversation. "Hey, we've still got a long journey ahead of us, do you want to do the next question?"

"Alright then. We're at set two now remember, it could get juicy." She laughed.

"Oh god. As if set one wasn't intrusive enough." He said smiling, he was secretly excited to continue getting to know the girl in front of him. He'd been so doubtful that the questions could even work at all, and although he knew he certainly wasn't in love with Dianne, the questions had given him information he cherished about her. Truth to be told, he relished in the fact that she trusted him to give answers that they didn't discuss with anyone else, he found himself wanting to be the one she'd go to with her deepest worries and fears. In this moment, he was so grateful to strictly for giving him the opportunity to work with her, she was easily one of his best friends already.

"Go on then. Read it to me!" she said eagerly, sounding like an excited child as she interrupted his daydream.

"Right, if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?"

"Ooo I love those crystal ball things!" she exclaimed. "I used to be obsessed with fortune tellers and all that sort of thing!"

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" he asked, rolling his eyes in amusement at her excitement.

"Hey!" she said indignantly. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, sorry. Go on, why did you love that stuff?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest. I think I just liked the idea that there's something in the future that I don't know about, and that people can find it out and tell me, it's pretty cool you know, to learn something about yourself from someone you know nothing about."

He nodded thoughtfully, choosing not to say anything. He'd always dismissed those sorts of things as a load of rubbish, but the way that Dianne described them made him see some sort of sense in them.

"Sorry what was the question again? I got distracted when you mentioned crystal balls." She said sheepishly.

He smiled softly. "If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?"

She hesitated. There was definitely an answer that came into mind, but she dismissed it quickly, not quite trusting herself to speak about it. "I'm not sure. I don't know if I would want to know anything to be honest. I wouldn't want that to change who I am now, if that makes sense? I'd probably not want to know anything else to be honest." She said, the words tumbling over each other in an attempt to get out.

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