Question Twenty-Eight:

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Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone that you've just met.

It was now one week from the final, and Dianne was over the moon. She arrived at the studio early, hoping to talk with Trent about the choreography before Joe arrived. The two had been friends for years, and knew each other's lives like their own. Consequently, Trent was confident he knew his fellow Aussie well enough to tell when she liked someone, and that she liked Joe. Through knowing Dianne so long, Trent had also come to the realisation that she wouldn't do anything without a little push in the right direction, and his choreography was the perfect nudge she needed.

As they waited, their conversation quickly moved to the choreography. "So Dianne, I know you said you were up for taking some risks as the finals are only a week away?" He began, unsure of how to approach the subject.

"Yeah...?" Dianne replied, confusion evident in her tone.

"Well, how about we try something a bit risky?" he asked.

"Like what?"

So he explained the Argentine tango, including one specific move that he was sure would send their fans into a frenzy. During this time, he carefully studied his friend's facial expressions, uncertain as to how she would react. Judging by her bright blush, his suspicions were correct. Still he knew that Dianne and Joe were both professionals, so he knew that this alone might not be enough of a push for them.

"And for the Viennese waltz, do you have anything that can make you guys at least appear in love?" he said innocently, and was slightly confused when Dianne smiled down at the floor. "Dianne?" He pushed.

"Oh um yeah sure, I think we could think of something." She said too quickly.

"Di, I've known you for years now, so can I ask you something?" he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Sure!" she said, smiling brightly.

"Do you like Joe?"

"Of course I do, he's been a great friend and I'm sure we'll stay friends when strictly is over-"

"You and I both know that that's not what I was asking." He interrupted.

She sighed, smiling. "Yes, I do like him. I really like him. I like him a lot. Are you happy now?"


She pushed his shoulder playfully, "stop it, you know as well as I do that nothing can happen when we're still in strictly, besides I don't think he likes me like that, I don't want to make our time together awkward or anything like that, I don't want to lose him as a friend just because I want him to be something more. You shouldn't be encouraging this Trentos, you know that I could lose my job over this, the press would be all over us more than they are already, it's just not that simple. I'm glad you're the one who has choreographed these, it's not my fault if the public goes wild over the Argentine tango, it'll be yours." She said, turning more serious.

"Relax Di, everything will turn out alright. I'm sure of it. As for the Argentine tango, I can re-choreograph that part if you're worried about it?"

"No," she said far too quickly, causing her friend to smirk. "No, don't, it's fine. As long as Joe's alright with it, so am I."

"For the record Di, you two would be cute together. You remind me of an old married couple half the time anyway, and you clearly understand each other." He said gently.

"Thank you? Can you explain the dances to him though?"

"Explain the dances to who?" Joe said, as he walked in a friendly smile on his face.

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