Question Twenty-Nine:

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Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.

That same evening, the two were both at that their separate homes and were tucked up in their separate beds, both trying too hard to fall asleep. Dianne tossed and turned, her hair becoming more ruffled fairly quickly as she lay awake. Sighing, she yawned and rubbed her eyes gently, before picking up her phone from her bedside table. She blinked as the bright blue light illuminated her dark room as she scrolled aimlessly through it in an attempt to wind down. When this proved unsuccessful, she shifted around uncomfortably for a little while before giving in and flicking on the light.

She scrolled her way to Joe's contact, and pressed on his name. After three rings he picked up, and Dianne was met with a groggy, shirtless Joe, also in bed. In her tired state, she didn't have the self-control to stop herself from staring, and smiled softly at the man before her.

"Is everything alright?" he asked sleepily, sitting up in bed slightly to try and wake up slightly, giving Dianne more of a view of his toned chest.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" she fretted anxiously.

"No you didn't." he reassured her, smiling as he saw how adorable his partner looked tucked up in bed, her red hair tumbled loosely in a bun, emphasising her small frame, which was only exaggerated by the duvet. Her eyes, though clearly tired were bright and she appeared so much younger without make up, he just wanted to give her a hug.

She audibly exhaled in response. "Oh thank goodness."

"Anyway, what's up?" he asked, flicking his bedside lamp on, prompting Dianne to do the same.

"Nothing, I just can't sleep, and you said a little while ago that I could call you if you couldn't. I'm sorry to disturb you, you probably didn't expect me to take you up on that offer again.  " she explained, finding herself nervous once again.

"Of course you can call me, you're not disturbing me love." He said, the pet name rolling of his tongue more naturally in the late hour and he didn't notice what he had said until he saw a bright blush on his partner's cheek, which was more visible due to the absence of make-up. "Hang on a second, I'm just going to balance you so I'm more comfy," he said, shifting around for a few moments until he was comfortable.

"I'm back." He smiled softly, to see Diane had done the same: her pillow serving as a support for her phone so she could lie comfortably and still see him. He had wondered why she hadn't phoned him instead, but being allowed to see her rather than just hear her made his heart happy.

"Hi." She said shyly, gazing up at her phone to look at him. "Do you think we could do the next question? I haven't actually got anything I wanted to say." She smiled tiredly.

"Yeah I'm up for that. It's your turn first so I'll get the question." he said, exiting Facetime to find the question, and quickly going back to the app to reveal Dianne waiting patiently. "Okay Di, share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life." he recited.

"Are we allowed to use stories from when we were little?" she asked, mumbling into her pillow slightly due to the fact that she was positioned on her side.

"That depends, if you were in school then I'll allow it." He smiled, after thinking for a while.

"Okay I've got one then, but you have to promise me you won't laugh unless I tell you can?" she asked quickly. Although this story was funny now rather than just simply embarrassing, she still didn't want him to make fun of her too much, as it was really embarrassing at the time.

"I won't, I promise." He said sincerely, his eyes staring directly down the camera in order to make virtual eye contact with Dianne, a habit she had noticed that came from vlogging. She felt herself turning red at the sincerity in his tone, but pressed on regardless.

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