Question Fourteen:

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Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?

The two thankfully had survived their first proper ballroom, which they were still both ecstatic about, despite the fact that it was already several days later. Still, time in strictly world moved fast so the two were having to make the most of their early morning coffees before starting the day. They had both become fond of 'Gail's'- a friendly coffee shop which was never too busy and just the right distance from their studio.

That morning, they both managed to arrive on time, which Joe was very pleased with himself about, so they had to have their coffees to eat in, rather than rush them and take them away in a bid to get to rehearsing. It was nice, Joe thought to himself, spending time with Dianne outside of the studio. The coffee shop was quiet aside from a few students furiously typing on their laptops, creating a background ambiance that was comforting and familiar to them both.

As the foxtrot was currently going well, the two savoured their time in the shop before they would inevitably have to get to work. As much as training was fun, the two were already tired from the unique level of exhaustion strictly provided. So they sat at the back of the shop, tucked away hidden from sight of the rest of the world, softly chattering in between bursts of laughter and jokes.

In attempt to drag this time out further, Joe asked "Do you want another coffee? I could do with another one before we get started?"

"I mean, if you're paying for it." She said cheekily, her eyes sparkling.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I'll pay for it."

"Go on then!" she paused. "Wait are you trying to drag this out so you don't have to start dancing?" she questioned, looking at him inquisitively.

"Well I did just want to chat a bit longer, but that works too."

She smiled, touched, not having expected him to say this so casually, it meant a lot to her that Joe enjoyed her company. "Aww thanks Joseph."

"Anytime." He got up quickly, and ordered their drinks, coming back to their table with a smile on his face.

They sipped their coffees simultaneously silently. Then "Ow I've burnt my tongue!" came from Joe, Dianne laughing at his fate, before subjecting herself to the same. "Ow!" They laughed at each other, the sounds of their happiness twinkling in the space around them.

"Seen as we're not in the mood to dance yet, and it's only just gone nine, do you want to do a question?" she asked. "It feels like we've not done one in ages."

"You're brave you know?" he said to her, which confused her slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"We've not really done them in public for ages! What if it's something horrible?"

"Oh man up Joe what's the worst it could be?" she teased. "If you'd rather do it somewhere else we can though." She added as an afterthought, realising that her previous comment was slightly insensitive.

"Nah we're good if you are." He replied, stirring his coffee aimlessly.

"Okay cool. It's your turn first if I remember correctly?"

"Well it would have been my turn first but someone basically made me go first last time." He joked.


"Don't worry, I'll go first it's fine. What's the question?" he said, before taking another sip of his still too hot coffee.

"Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?" she read with practiced ease, having gotten used to the way the questions were written now they were at the fourteenth.

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