Question Twenty-Six:

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Complete this sentence: 'I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."

The pair had made it to the quarter finals, and musicals week. Joe had rolled his eyes at the song choice, having guessed that Dianne would pick a song from the musical with his name in it, but the proud look on her face had almost been worth it. They were going all out, and were pulling out all of the stops imaginable. If dancing on top of pianos was ambitious, this was off the scale. Not only did they have extra dancers, but this time Joe would be dancing with them. Before, it was only Dianne that would see him when he messed up on the first days, only her that would laugh with him as he struggled to copy her and learn the steps but now it would all be different. In short, he was absolutely bricking it.

Luckily, the two had just over an hour before the other professionals arrived. Trent, meanwhile had decided to drop a huge bombshell on Joe.

"You're alright with being lifted right Joe?" he asked, trying not to laugh at the shock present on his face.

Joe looked at the two Australians uncertainly. "I thought it was the girls that got lifted?"

"It is, usually." Explained Trent, and Dianne nodded.

"Are you okay with it Joe?" she asked again.

"If you think it will get us to the semi-finals, yes." He said, sighing. This time six months ago he would never have dreamt of being lifted on national television, but here he was, willing agreeing to it.

"Good." Said Trent, and they began to get to work.

A little while later, the others arrived, and they began to practice the lifts and the rest of the dance. Thankfully, Dianne had reassured Joe that Johannes was the 'dream lifter' which had helped him slightly, although he had still been terrified. Seeing Trent's face at the lift was worth it though, and Dianne was right, in Johannes' arms Joe felt completely safe, despite his mild fear of heights.

Dianne took a moment to sit down and watch. This week, she had a bigger role in the pro dance so Trent had been kind enough to give her less in this dance. After all, she was only human. She smiled, watching as Johannes effortlessly lifted Joe into the air, laughing under her breath at the terror on Joe's face. She was proud though, being lifted so high for the first time was always going to be a challenge, especially for someone so new to dance in the first place. Joe was taking it in his stride though, bless him. He'd faced many of his fears for this opportunity, and she was so proud of him.

The group carried on rehearsing, and eventually it was time for the others to go home, leaving just Joe and Dianne to continue later into the night.

"It feels like I've barely seen you today." Joe joked, although he found he meant it. He was used to spending hours and hours in the studio with only really Dianne for company, used to being with just her to laugh and joke around with, and to be with the other pros was fun, but different.

"I know." Said Dianne, and he smiled, thankful that she had agreed.

They smiled each other, pleased that the other had missed their presence too, despite technically having been together all day.

"Right, let's get back to it." Dianne said, after a few minutes of catching up.

Joe nodded, reluctantly. After a few hours, the two were finished for the day, and were waiting for their Ubers to pick them up. As usual, they hadn't ordered them until they actually needed to leave, so were consequently waiting for them.

"How did you find today?" asked Dianne, as she had noticed that Joe hadn't quite been himself all day.

"It was... weird." He said eventually. "I was quite far out of my comfort zone, and it kind of shocked me. You girls get lifted all the time, hell you even let me try and lift you, and I'm not a professional at all. How do you even trust someone to do that? Like, I was bricking it, and Johannes could lift me like I was lighter than a feather!" he tried to explain.

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