Question Fifteen:

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What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

It was early. Far too early for Joe, who still was nowhere near used to the early mornings that the show demanded. But still there he was, walking around a theme park in the biggest coat imaginable at some ungodly hour in which it was definitely far too cold to be awake and about. Meanwhile, Dianne was as cheery as ever, her thin leather jacket not doing much to prevent her from becoming cold, but this didn't seem to bother her, despite being more accustomed to the warmer Australian climate.

She'd teased him about his attire in her usual manner as soon as he'd arrived. He'd laughed at her, knowing he wouldn't be cold later, but she didn't seem to care. So they walked through the deserted park, past the animals and rides until they'd almost done a full circle of the area.

"Right," said Dianne, as they arrived at the entrance to what looked like a terrifying experience. "Are you ready for this rollercoaster?"

"Of course not." He replied, looking up at it wearily. "Why did I tell you I was scared of them?"

She grinned cheekily. "I'm not sure, but I'm glad you did. Have fun!"

"Wait, are you not coming with me?"

"No chance. Have you seen that drop? Not in a million years!"

"But I thought we were facing our fears?"

"You're facing your fears. My fears aren't that so I don't have to do it." She explained, laughing.

"Ughh you're so annoying. I can't believe you let production organise this." He protested, laughing at his own reluctance to go on.

"Relax Joe, you'll be fine. If you can get through this, I'll be nice to you in training today." She proposed, laughing too.

"Yeah right. You'll be telling me off for my shoulder before a minute is up!" he teased.

"Well if you didn't put it so high up I wouldn't have to!" she said, smiling.

"Fine you win. See you on the other side." He joked, before getting on the ride.


After surviving the rollercoaster, Joe had definitely woken up, and was feeling the effects of the rush of adrenaline so early in the morning. He found himself excited and was struggling to contain his energy, his legs tapping the floor out of their own accord, like they were begging just to dance. Unfortunately for Dianne, it was quite a long journey from Chessington to the studio. In an attempt to distract Joe, as his leg tapping was starting to become not only irritating for her, but the driver too, Dianne finished the last of the coffee she had brought with her, shut the plastic partition separating the pair and the driver and turned her attention towards Joe.

"Are you alright there?"

"Yeah I think I'm still on an adrenaline rush from that. I hate roller coasters so much so being able to survive that has put me in a good mood." He said laughing.

"I was wondering why you're so awake now. We've still got a while before we can start rehearsal though, and I don't want you to be wasting all your energy. Do you want to do the next question?"

"Yeah sure. Is it fifteen or sixteen we're on now?"

"Umm let me think." She paused, trying to remember her previous question. "I think fifteen."

"Okay cool, we've still got quite a few to go then! It's your turn first am I right in thinking?"

She sighed exaggeratedly. "You're right, it's my turn first."

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