Question Thirty-Four:

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Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save one item. What would it be? Why?

Camera blocking days had previously been an opportunity to have a little rest, but thanks to the small number of dancers left in the competition, these days had gradually become more stressful, and the dancers had less time sitting around, and barely any time to themselves.

By the time the pair had made their way through their dances, they'd had enough. As per usual, they'd gotten used to dancing with only the other in the room for company and the Elstree studio was very different. However, to those watching the Viennese waltz, it became obvious that the pair really only had eyes for each other.

Stacey had got to know the two of them fairly well through their journey and was smiling from the balcony watching them. From the beginning, it had been obvious that their partnership was something to be treasured but she hadn't expected this. They moved around the ballroom in perfect synchronicity to each other, with gentle smiles on their faces. Usually the two of them were laughing and joking, so to see them more serious with each other was unexpected, the care for one another on full display. At the ending, Stacey grinned and clapped wildly as they held their final pose. They took notice of her immediately, laughing as she cheered. In all honesty, she was happy for the pair. They clearly seemed happy together, and at this point she'd put her money on them being together.

But then came the Argentine tango. Now, being an investigative journalist has its perks, one of them, in Stacey's opinion was that it meant that you became an expert at reading between the lines and people's behaviour. From the second Dianne ripped her body away from her partner's Stacey realised that they were still not each other's. The pain on Joe's face wasn't forced, it was real. She smiled sadly, knowing that the pair wouldn't have much more time to make a move before the show finished. Therefore, she grabbed her friend at the first opportunity.

"Joe Sugg can I speak to you?" she asked, leading him to the chairs at the back of the room.

"Sure Stace, what's up?" he questioned, slightly confused.

"At what point do you think you're going to come to your senses and tell her you're smitten with her?" she said, wasting no time in getting to the point.

He exhaled loudly. "I don't know. It's hard. There's been times when I've contemplated going for it, but I've always chickened out. How obvious is it?"

"Anyone can see the way you both look at each other. Blind, the pair of you." She smiled fondly. "Joe? Be careful alright? You don't have much longer before this is over, and I know we still have the tour, but for the sake of everyone here make your move before that. Don't break both your hearts darlin'."

"Thanks Stace." He said genuinely. "I'll try my best."

"You better. Or I'll have to have words with Lady Di too." She smiled, patting his knee before going to join Kevin.

Joe sighed softly, rubbing his eyes in stress. Deep down, he knew she was right. At this moment, he didn't believe it was possible to fall any harder for the red-headed dancer who'd stolen his heart, and he knew he'd regret not doing anything. But it wasn't that easy. The sheer number of times he'd been close to admitting his feelings was getting embarrassing, at this point he was hoping that one of the final questions would force it out.

Thankfully, he was interrupted by his partner before he began thinking too deeply. She took the chair next to him, scooting closer to him with a familiar ease. Without thinking, he moved his arm from his lap to rest around her shoulders, bringing her closer than necessary.

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