Question Thirty-Six:

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Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

"Joseph Graham Sugg I am so fucking proud of you right now. We've made it to the finals. The finals Joe." She said, as soon as Joe's hotel room door clicked shut. Downstairs, they could hear the faint remnants of the other's celebrating to their heart's content, but they'd escaped from them as soon as it was socially acceptable. In all honesty, the magnitude of their achievements was still catching up to them, and as Dianne's words had effortlessly conveyed, they were still in shock. This wasn't the first time that she had expressed her delight at making it to the finals, and Joe suspected it wouldn't be the last.

"I can't believe it either. I'm so proud of us." He replied, and his subtle inclusion of the two of them in his pride made her smile grow that little bit wider.

They both settled down onto his bed, lying at opposite sides, each choosing to prop their heads up with an arm to face the other. They smiled each other, grinning ear to ear at their luck.

"Thanks for coming up with me. I know we can still hear the others celebrating but I'd just had enough of the partying, I'm too knackered from all of that." He explained to her.

"That's alright, I'd rather be here with you." She said simply.

"Good." He said, not entirely sure how to reply to this admission.

"But honestly Di, I really couldn't have done this without you, thank you for having so much faith in me. I know that we didn't exactly get the highest scores this week, but I'll prove to everyone that I do deserve to be in the final. I'm sorry that I didn't lead you well enough, I did really try to." He said, his happier tone spiralling into something slightly more serious.

"Joe listen to me. Those scores don't reflect how hard you worked this week, how hard we worked this week." She corrected, after seeing Joe's facial expression. "They're the best we've done those dances and I've loved dancing them with you, so I'm happy. And you did lead me, no matter what anyone else says, okay?" she said, reaching out to pat his leg affectionately before returning it to her side.

"Okay." He replied, the trace of a smile taking over his features.  "Feel free to say no, but do you want to do the last question to celebrate?"

"I'd love to." She replied.

"It's going to be weird when they're over." He commented as he took out his phone to search for the question. When he saw the inquisitive expression on his partner's face, he smiled before continuing. "Like, they've been a pretty big part of our friendship, haven't they? They're part of the reason that I can trust you with just about anything.  I'm happy that we're at the end now, because I don't know how much I can tell you that you don't know about me already. But I've loved them. I was scared when you first suggested them, absolutely terrified in fact, but they've helped me a lot."

"Look at you Joe."

"Look at what?"

"That really proves your point doesn't it?" she said, shuffling up to prop herself up on the pillow to face her partner more comfortably. "At the start of the competition, you would never have said any of this to me. I'm so happy that they've helped. I was scared too, I never expected you to actually agree to do them, and I thought it would just end up being one of those stupid ideas that you have when you're too tired that would never actually work out. But they did."

"I'm happy they have." He said. "Are you ready?"

"Yes Joe, I'm ready." She said, smiling gently.

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