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"What are you gonna be for halloween?" Xiaojun finishes making himself a slushy at the machine.

"I wasn't planning on dressing up." Johnny shrugs from behind the counter.

"You aren't? I thought you were going to the frat party." Xiaojun sips in confusion.

"Jaehyun was talking about it, but I'm probably not gonna go."

"Aw, why not?"

"I'm not much of a party person." Johnny sighs. He remembers a whole bunch of high school house parties he was dragged into -  he doesn't understand the enjoyment of the party experience at all. "I'd rather be in my bed."

"Understandable." Xiaojun nods. "But Hendery, Yang, and I are planning to be the three bare bears. There's a couples costume raffle, and the winners get like two hundred bucks."

"Really? Wow." Johnny widens his eyes. "Your costume idea is cute, by the way."

"Thanks!" Xiaojun smiles. "I just hope I don't get too drunk that I vomit all over my onesie."

Johnny laughs in response.

They sky's already dark when Johnny finishes his shift. He's tired, and all he wants to do is hit the pillow and knock out.

He enters the dorm, and Ten's running around.

"Have you seen my keys?" he asks, and Johnny blinks, not having the energy to think about the question.

"No." he replies, rubbing his eyes as he goes over to his bed.

"Hey." Ten wraps his fingers around Johnny's wrist. "Once I find them, you're coming with me to the costume store."

"What?" Johnny furrows his eyebrows. All he wants to do is sleep, thinking about being in public makes his head hurt.

"You heard me." he says as he goes through his dresser. "There's a two hundred dollar raffle for couples costumes, and I need money."

"Am I processing this right?" Johnny narrows his eyes. "We're gonna do couples costumes for money?"

"I can't believe it either, but I have no other option." Ten shuts the drawer. "I really can't find my keys."

"I'll drive." Johnny offers before he can register it. Literally a minute ago he wanted to go to bed, and now he's gonna drive to the costume store?

Johnny can never think correctly when he's tired.

"Let's go then." Ten drags him out of the dorm.

For being exhausted, Johnny still thinks his driving is pretty okay, but Ten would like to say otherwise. Because the entire time, though Johnny believes he's being a 'safe' driver (he's actually swerving in his lane and almost falling asleep at red lights), Ten yells at him and almost chokes on his gum while at it.

"I didn't think I was gonna survive." Ten places his hand on his chest as they park next to the halloween store.

"Your fault for dragging me out in public when I'm tired." Johnny replies.

"Whatever, we're here and barely alive, but still alive."

They walk into the store. Johnny just now realizes how much useless yet interesting stuff the halloween store has. They pass by a couple of masks, and fool around with them for a bit before actually going to the section they need to go to.

"What are we gonna do?" Ten's eyes rake over the rows of costumes.

Johnny squints, as if he's thinking of something, when in reality nothing is coming to mind. He's too tired for this.

"I don't know." he ends up saying, and Ten bites his lip as he continues to think.

"We can go for something basic." he says, reaching out and grabbing an angel costume, which is sitting right next to a devil one. "Like this?"

"Sure." Johnny nods his head, not really caring about what it is. "Who's gonna be who, though?"

"You're dumb, so you can be the devil. I'll be the angel." Ten grins, and Johnny scoffs.

"I actually think it's the opposite. You're a demonic midget so-"

Johnny's cut off by a weak slap to his neck.

"Fuck off." Ten huffs, crossing his arms.

"See, that was an example of your devilish nature." he shoots back, placing his palm on his neck where he was hit. "I guess we'll do this then."

Love Is For Losers // johntenWhere stories live. Discover now