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Finals week arrives, and Johnny is dead. He's physically here trying to study, but he mentally checked out a long time ago.

"You should go to bed, it's past midnight." Ten says.

"I'm gonna fail this." Johnny presses his forehead into the surface of his desk.

"It's just a final. Not the end of the world."

Johnny lets out a frustrated sigh. It's time to give up and not make himself more stressed. He shuts the textbook, switches off his desk light, and wants to sleep forever and not wake up to take this final.

Johnny drags himself out of the lecture hall, and Jaehyun's saying something to him but it goes into one ear and out the other.

"Johnny," Jaehyun nudges him, finally grabbing his attention. "Did you hear anything I just said?"

Johnny shakes his head.

Jaehyun sighs. "Well, I said that there's gonna be a Christmas frat party the night before we go on break."

"I'd rather be in my bed." Johnny only replies.

"This is why you don't get laid." he shakes his head, and Johnny's mouth falls open because he's actually a tiny bit offended.

"I mean, it's the truth." he shrugs in shame, and Jaehyun throws an arm over his shoulder as an half-assed attempt to comfort him. 

They part ways when they get to the dorm building. Johnny drops his backpack and face planting onto his bed.

"Did you do alright?" he hears Ten ask.

"I think I failed." Johnny's reply is muffled into his sheets. He hears some footsteps.

"I bet you did well, considering all the studying you did."

Johnny exhales and rolls over so he's lying on his back. He closes his eyes, the thought of having to study for more exams tonight makes him wanna die even more.

"Stop. Being. Sad." Ten pokes his cheek. Johnny turns away and groans.

"Want me to suck you off?"

Johnny's eyes shoot open. "What?" he blinks, flustered, but slightly interested.

"I'm not repeating myself, Johnny Suh." Ten crosses his arms. "You seem really stressed out, and I don't wanna deal with your mopey attitude."

"Sure?" Johnny answers without thinking through it. Can't blame him, he hasn't gotten laid in so long.

"Okay cool." Ten gets on his knees, hands reaching out to work on Johnny's belt.

Johnny can't process this right now. He doesn't have time to think when Ten licks the pre cum off his tip without hesitation.

"Fuck." his head falls back on the mattress.

Ten looks up for a moment as he takes the full tip into his mouth. His hands slide under Johnny's sweater and rest on his toned abdomen.

Johnny's fingers gently card through Ten's hair. He doesn't know if Ten is just really good at giving blow jobs, or if it's all his sexual frustration being relieved at this very moment that makes this feel incredible.

Probably both.

Ten starts to bob his head up and down, taking the rest of the dick that couldn't fit into his hand, and pumping it at the same pace.

"I'm close." Johnny warns through his uneven breathing pattern.

Ten doesn't pull his mouth off Johnny's dick. He lets out a low moan as he cums.

Ten swallows and wipes his mouth with his hand. "Ew." he grimaces. "I can't believe I swallowed your cum."

"I didn't ask you to." Johnny breathes, sitting back up. "But that's pretty disgusting." he pulls up his pants.

Ten slaps him in the stomach and stands up. "You could at least say thank you." he turns to walk away, but Johnny catches his wrist.

"Let's take care of your, um, problem." Johnny's eyes gesture to the area between Ten's legs. "This is how I'll say thank you."

Ten's cheeks turn red, and he curses under his breath about how he's disappointed in himself for getting hard because of Johnny. He sighs, and replies with a soft 'alright.'

Johnny pulls him onto his lap. He looks into Ten's eyes for permission, and receives a light nod.

He slides his fingers under the waistband of Ten's distressed jeans after unbuttoning them.

Ten inhales a sharp breath as Johnny wraps his fingers around his dick. It's experimental at first, Johnny constantly looking up to make sure Ten isn't uncomfortable.

Johnny takes his hands off of Ten's dick, reaching to his nightstand to grab the lotion from the drawer.

"Don't tell me that's the lotion you use to jerk off."

"What if I told you it was?" Johnny takes some into his hand and wraps his fingers around Ten's dick again.

Ten rolls his eyes, but softly moans at the slick feeling the lotion provides him. His head falls against Johnny's shoulder.

Johnny takes that as a sign to pick up the pace.

"Johnny," Ten lifts his head, lips parted and slick with saliva since he keeps licking them. Johnny bites his lip, trying so hard to resist the urge to kiss him. 

Fuck self control.

Johnny leans forward, doesn't even consider how awkward it would be if Ten pulls away. He doesn't need to though, because Ten doesn't, allowing him to do it. 

The first kiss hurts, since it's unexpected and full of teeth. Johnny tilts his head to slot their lips together again, it's much more comfortable this time, and he can taste the bitterness of himself and a hint of mint gum. 

Ten whines into his mouth, grip on Johnny's biceps tightening. Johnny gets the hint and breaks the kiss, but their foreheads remain touching. 

"Shit." Ten comes onto Johnny's hand and their shirts with a drawn out moan.

After catching his breath, Ten gets off Johnny's lap and pulls up his pants. He mutters a quick 'thanks' before disappearing into the bathroom.

Johnny looks down at his hand that's covered with lotion and cum. It's disgusting, and he should probably wash it off, but he has a bigger problem at hand - he's hard again.

"Fuck my life."

yikes haha

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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