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"Ey, lunch dude." Ten does finger guns towards the guy behind the counter of the salad bar. "You up for giving me free food today?"

Hendery looks up from refilling the lettuce container. "Stop calling me that. And I'm not giving you free food no matter how much you ask, I don't wanna lose my job."

Ten frowns. "You're no fun."

"Yang's not buying you lunch today?" Hendery asks.

He shakes his head. "Sicheng isn't either. I kinda yelled at them in the group chat we have with just the three of us."

"Why did you yell at them?" Hendery's curious and concerned.

"They sent me on a blind date with my roommate of all people."

"Ohh, that." he understands what's going on now. "Do you not want to date Johnny?"

"I just don't wanna date in general." Ten sighs. "Relationships are too much commitment. I only agreed to go on this one because I needed more gum."

"But relationships are so worth it though." Hendery replies, a smile on his face. He's probably thinking about Xiaojun and Yangyang, Ten assumes.

"But since I don't want you to starve," he grabs a pre packaged sandwich. "Take this."

"Oh my god, really?" Ten's eyes widen with excitement. "Thanks, I owe you my life."

Hendery snorts through his smile. "This is only a one time thing."

Ten walks his friends' usual lunch table: the one right in the corner that's isolated.

"What up, motherfuckers." he throws his sandwich onto the table and sits down next to Sicheng.

"Where'd you get that?" Yangyang asks through a mouth full of noodles.

"Your boyfriend." Ten smiles. "He felt sorry for me."

"What!" Yangyang almost chokes. "Hendery is too nice. Aw, I love him." he frowns, entering soft hours.

"He's nicer than your petty asses." Ten bites into his free sandwich.

"You could at least apologize for your aggressive texts." Sicheng looks up from his phone.

"Okay fine. It wasn't my place to yell at you guys, I know you're just trying to help me. Now please buy me more food."

"Can we at least ask you questions about it? And you can't avoid any." Yangyang smiles.

Ten rolls his eyes. "Whatever I guess, just get me more food."

"Yes." Sicheng places his phone down. "Did y'all fuck?"

"Why do you always ask something relating to sex, Sicheng!" Ten screeches. "And no, we did not, didn't you guys tell me the goal was not to hook up with him?"

"We did say that, but that doesn't mean we weren't expecting it." Yangyang replies. "How'd you like the sushi?"

"It was fucking amazing, damn. I loved it."

"How'd you like Johnny?"

"Well," Ten takes a moment to think. "He paid for all the food."

"Anything else?" Yangyang raises an eyebrow, and Sicheng gives him the same look, without the eyebrow raising.

"What else are you expecting me to say? We kissed?" Ten regrets his words right as they come off his tongue.

"Um, yeah." Sicheng answers quietly, disappointed.

"You guys know I don't do commitment." he's really tired of saying this, but this time, Yangyang and Sicheng just laugh.

"We all know you're secretly a sap, and this was an experiment." Yangyang rests his chin on the back of his hands.

"And was the experiment successful? No, because I don't have feelings for Johnny and I never will." Ten snaps back.

"Ten," Sicheng's tone becomes serious, but still sounds soft. "If you let yourself experience an actual relationship, you'll probably be much happier."

"That just lead to arguments and betrayal that I don't wanna deal with. As I said a million times before, I do one night stands for fun." Ten crosses his arms. "Enjoy college. I don't have time to be sappy and shit."

Yangyang and Sicheng make eye contact, both deeply sighing. Ten's always stubborn when it comes to falling in love.

Love Is For Losers // johntenWhere stories live. Discover now