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"It's sad that I still have to window shop because I don't get paid enough to afford these high end brands, sigh." Ten shakes his head as the walk around the plaza.

"We get paid the same amount." Johnny snorts.

"Why does it have to be so expensive?" Ten continues to whine and places his hands on the display window. "I'm sad."

"Yeah right."

"Shut up, one day when I'm rich enough I'll buy these clothes."

"Keep dreaming."

Ten turns around and elbows Johnny in the ribs. "Fuck you."

The sun's already going down in the late afternoon, it's winter after all.

"Can we go to that cupcake shop again?" Johnny asks, tilting his head in the direction of where its located.

"Sure, you're paying though." Ten grins.

Johnny sighs. "You paid for the sushi so might as well make it fair."

As they're ordering, Ten now realizes how this completely mirrors the supposed 'blind date' they went on.

But he pushes all those thoughts aside and bites into his mocha cupcake.

"You have some frosting on your nose." Johnny says, and Ten's about to reach up and take it off.

Johnny beats him to it, and smears it across his cheek.

"Hey," Ten scoops up frosting on is fingertip. He smears some on Johnny's neck as revenge.

"You wanna play this game?" Johnny challenges, getting some chocolate frosting from his cupcake and spreading some onto Ten's cheek.

Ten flinches away, and replies with a low "hell yeah", before slamming his entire cupcake onto Johnny's face.

It's after a couple seconds and some weird stares from other people that he realizes what he's done.

"Oh fuck, why did I do that?" Ten immediately regrets everything as Johnny peels the cupcake off his cheek.

"Cuz you're stupid." Johnny says, grabbing a couple napkins and wiping his cheek.

"Now I can't eat it, it's contaminated." Ten sadly looks down at his half eaten cupcake without the frosting.

"Contaminated with what?"

"With you." Ten playfully grimaces, and Johnny grabs his wrist and shoves the cupcake into his mouth.

"Don't waste my money." he says, watching Ten eat a full mouth of cupcake when he didn't want to. It still taste the same though, so it's fine.

"I hate you." Ten glares after he swallows. They clean themselves up and leave the shop.

They get back to the dorm, and get ready for bed in silence. Johnny goes back to studying at his desk, and Ten's sitting in his own bed.

He's tired of refreshing instagram, and he finds himself incredibly bored. He could be a good student and study for at least thirty seconds, but that's too much effort.

He drops his phone on his chest, gaze now set on the ceiling. He can still smell the mocha frosting off his fingers.

Ten has to admit that was fun. The sushi was great, the cupcakes were great, Johnny was...great.

He blinks and banishes the last part of that thought. He turns his head, eyes laying on Johnny who has his back turned to him and is focused on his studies.

Ten rolls his eyes and looks back at the ceiling, though he can't stop the small smile that makes its way to his lips.

Love Is For Losers // johntenWhere stories live. Discover now