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Johnny restocks the snack section as he listens to Xiaojun rant about this one professor who still hasn't given them the study guide for the final.

"It's literally next week! And I don't know what he expects from us!" he complains.

"The most I can do is say sorry." Johnny replies. "But finals are next week, and that's terrifying."

"Yeah." Xiaojun sighs, leaning against the counter. "But after I can go home and play in the snow!"

"Sounds great." Johnny laughs, finishing up a section and throwing the shipment box on the floor.

"The sad part is, I won't see Hendery or Yang for almost a month." Xiaojun frowns. "I'll miss them alot over the break."

"Mm." Johnny nods his head, acting like his single ass understands the feeling of that. But for real, he doesn't. He wishes he did.

Johnny's brain is absolutely fried from studying. His desk is a mess, there's papers and pens everywhere, and he's so over this. He rests his cheek on his laptop and just wants to nap.

The door to the dorm clicks open.

"I can see you've been studying." Ten says, removing his Taco Bell hat from his head. "By the way, here's your shit."

He tosses the bag of cinnabon delights at Johnny, which lands close to his face.
"Thanks." he mutters.

"Do you take studying for finals seriously?" Ten randomly asks as he plops down onto his bed.

"Of course, aren't you supposed to?" Johnny blinks.

"I wing them."

"Ten, that's not very good."

"I still got into college. So it's no big deal." he brushes it off as he scrolls through his phone.

"Yeah, okay." Johnny doesn't buy it, but doesn't have the brain power to argue anymore. He falls asleep surrounded by his mess of studying.

Johnny jolts awake to the sound of his alarm going off. He switches his phone off and lifts his head, his back and neck are sore from the position he slept in.

"Fuck." he mutters, bringing his hands to his neck to give it a half ass massage. The sunlight from the blinds is hurting his eyes, and he's still so tired.

He wants to go back to sleep, but he has the last classes of the semester to attend.

Which he does attend those classes. It's mainly review, and all the information is thrown at Johnny at once. He doesn't process any of it.

He goes back to the dorm and takes a nap.

"Hey, get the fuck up," Ten pokes Johnny's cheek.

Johnny stirs in his sleep and groans, burying his face further into his pillow.

"You've been taking a nap for four hours, don't you need to study?"

Johnny's eyes shoot open. "Fuck my life."

"Sucks to be you." is Ten's only reply back.

This time, Johnny decides to study in his bed. Though he can barely focus, he is getting stuff done, slowly but surely.

On the other hand, Ten is just chilling in his bed while typing furiously on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" Johnny looks over to his roommate.

"My sister." Ten sighs, switching his phone off and tossing it onto his mattress. He slides down against the wall. "I want sushi." he groans.

Sushi doesn't sound like a bad idea right now. "Sure." Johnny agrees, and without hesitation neglects his studies.

"For literally the millionth time, watch where you're going!" one of Ten's hands grip onto the handle above the door for dear life, the other one on his chest.

"I am!" Johnny yells back, slamming on the brakes way too fast, the vehicle suddenly stopping at the next stoplight.

"Oh my god, if I died on the way to eat sushi that would be absolutely tragic." Ten says. "Like, I didn't even get to eat the sushi!"

"Well that's so sad." Johnny pouts sarcastically, and Ten hits him in the arm.

They finally make it to the sushi place, the same one where they went on their blind date.

"Fuck." Ten moans as he eats his first piece of sushi.

"Stop it with your weird food kink." Johnny acts disgusted, and a piece of wasabi is thrown at him.

"I don't have a food kink, ya nasty." he huffs back.

"You're the one for watches porn every night."

"You're the one who jerks off every night."

They both glare at each other, mouths full of food. A few seconds later, they just burst out laughing and choke, and everyone in the small restaurant is giving them weird yet disappointed looks.

"Shut up, I haven't gotten laid in two months." Ten manages to say after he recovers from coughing. "I need to go back to the bar, I don't know why I haven't been going. Yuta misses me."

"I haven't gotten laid in much longer than you, don't even complain." Johnny says.

"Then why don't you come to the bar with me this time?" Ten draws out the last two words, raising his eyebrows.

"I already told you I don't like the atmosphere and crowds." Johnny deadpans.

"Suffer then." Ten has no sympathy in his voice as he stuffs another roll of sushi into his mouth.

"I hate you."

When the bill comes around, Johnny says that Ten will have to pay for it since he paid last time.

"You have a job now, no excuses." Johnny crosses his arms and smiles triumphantly.

Ten rolls his eyes. "Seriously, fuck you."

He pays anyway.

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