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Ten heads off to his first day of work. He's taking afternoon shifts, since he has classes in the morning.

He slips a new piece of gum into his mouth as he enters the Taco Bell. The old guy manager comes up to him and helps him settle in.

"Jisung, do you mind teaching Ten how to use the register?" the manager asks, and the younger boy seems to be a little flustered, but nods nonetheless.

"Great. You're gonna have a awesome first day." the manager pats Ten's shoulder before walking into the back.

"Uh, hi." Jisung says shyly.

"Hello, I'm Ten." he holds his hand out, and Jisung shakes it lightly.

"Okay, so, the register..." Jisung's voice remains soft, and Ten actually thinks it's cute how he's so shy.

"Don't be shy, I don't bite." Ten laughs, and Jisung chuckles quietly.

"Sorry." he apologizes, voice a little louder than before.

The register turns out to be a pretty easy concept, Ten thinks he has the hang of it. He watches Jisung take a few orders and then they switch off, and Jisung monitors him.

This isn't that bad, he thinks.

It's the first break of the afternoon, so they go sit down at a table. Ten sighs and spits out his chewed gum to replace it with a new one.

Jisung's on his phone, playing some mobile game. Ten peeks over to see what he's playing.

"Clash of clans?"

Jisung turns to him, blinking. "Yeah." he mutters.

Ten chuckles. "I haven't played that game in like five years."

"Ah." Jisung nods his head lightly, focusing on finding a person to attack. Ten takes out his own phone to check all his notifications.

we get it youRE HORNY

gangang: wait ten isn't it ur first day working???

gangang: if it is can u get me nacho fries

gangang: hendery wants a chicken quesadilla and xiaojun wants 2 soft tacos

gangang: can u also get 3 baja blast freezes !!! thank u xo

winwinnie: yuta wants a crunchwrap supreme and a strawberry freeze and i would like three crunchy tacos with coke thanks

10!!: big sigh

10!!: ok

Ten gets off the messages and checks all his social medias before they have to get back to working.

It's already dark outside when Ten finishes his shift. He carries two bags of food in each of his hands and pushes the door open with his hip. He's tired.

He finally gets back to the dorm and drops off the food, and then he can finally flop onto his bed.

"How was it?" Johnny asks, looking up from his phone.

"Not bad." Ten rolls over, throwing an arm over his eyes.

"Are you gonna be able to get me free food sometime?"

Ten side eyes him and scoffs, he's already done that for his friends. "Like I would get your dumbass free food."

"Please Ten." Johnny pouts.

"Whatever." he gets up from his bed to change into something more comfortable. He slides on his specs and sticks his gum on the bathroom counter.

Ten plops back down onto his bed, now realizing how exhausted he is. He tries to go on his phone to keep himself awake, and that's when he hears Johnny yell from the bathroom about the gum he left.

Love Is For Losers // johntenWhere stories live. Discover now