#3 - Face Hair

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*Zayn's POV*

I was so confused. What happened this morning? I thought it was a dream, having that moment with Harry. I don't know what to think about it all. I mean, he blushed a lot this morning, or it could have just been the warm weather. I'm almost positive he doesn't feel the same way I feel about him, because he isn't gay. Sure he has little moments that makes the world question his sexuality, but as far as I know, he's straight. Or maybe he is gay? I would've asked him but he was asleep, and I didn't blame him. The flight was taking forever! Because Australia is like basically on the other side of the world, to get there from London takes a very long time. I was sitting next to Louis, in front of us were Niall and Liam, and behind us Harry who was sitting next to a little girl. She's by herself and there was only one seat left in the plane for her to sit, so the flight attendant put her next to Harry. Hailey, Hailey Wilson her name is, she's 5 years old. It was really cute seeing Harry keeping her occupied by making silly faces and tickling her before she fell asleep on his shoulder. Soon after Hailey fell asleep, so did Harry. We took some photos to show him later how cute they looked. Seeing that everyone was asleep, I decided to get some shut eye too before we landed in Sydney.

~~~~~ 4 hours later ~~~~~

I was woken by a little girls' laughter. I fluttered my eyes open to see Hailey and Harry standing next to me, Hailey pointing and laughing.

'What's so funny?' I asked, my sleepy voice croaking.

'You look funny with face hair' Hailey said giggling, Harry was just standing there smirking.

'What do you mean Hailey?' Oh no, what have they done?

'Here Zayn, look.' she handed me a mirror to inspect my new 'look'.

'HAROLD EDWARD STYLES YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!' I scream whispered as there were still a few people sleeping on the plane, including the other boys. Hailey couldn't stop her sweet little giggle and Harry was nearly rolling on the floor laughing. I had a curly moustache that came up and around my cheeks, my chin was black, making it look like I had a beard, I had sideburns and very big eyebrows. I looked horrible! My scream whisper woke up Louis.

'Why are you yelling Za... OH. MY. GOD!' Pretty soon, Louis had joined in Harry's laughing fit.

'Yeah guys, very funny. I'm gonna go wash this off.' I pouted and walked to the bathroom, covering up my horrible face from other people. Not that it would matter, the other passengers were mostly old people or couples who don't really know who we are. I reached the bathroom and took another look at my face.

'How am I supposed to get all this off?' I mumbled to myself. I wet some paper towel and started to scrub. After about 5 minutes there was a knock on the door.

'Zayn, open up.' It was Harry.

'What do you want?' I growled.

'Just seeing if you need any help.'

'I don't want your help. I'm a mess because of you!'

'I was just trying to entertain Hailey. Please Zayn, open the door.'

I didn't want to face him right now, but maybe it was my chance to tell him how I feel about him. I unlocked the bathroom door to see an anxious Harry.

'Okay, I'm gonna help you wash it off.' He said with a smile.

'I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself, thank you.'

What is wrong with me and this boy? Why does he have to confuse my brain so much? One minute he makes me totally in love with him, the next he makes me want to punch him... which I would obviously never do!

'No, come on, sit down.'

Harry made me sit down on the bathroom counter and grabbed some more paper towel and soap and started to rub.

'OW, Haz, not so hard!'

'Sorry Zayn, I'm nearly done.'

10 minutes of rubbing and tugging on my skin, Harry had finally gotten all of the pen on my face, and he fixed my hair.

'Thank you Harry, I feel better now.' I said, pulling him into a hug.

'No worries Z,' he smiled and hugged me back.

I've always loved hugging him. His hugs make me feel safe, happy, and cared for. I never wanted to pull away but I knew I had to, although when I tried to pull away, he just hugged me tighter, making sure I couldn't go. This was it. I had to tell him, it was now or never, although sometimes I wish it was never.


'Yeah Zayn?'

'I need to tell you something...'

*Liam's POV*

Everyone has been acting funny lately. I mean the boys, and I'm getting concerned. You know, me being Daddy Direction and all. But seriously, Louis and Niall have been more "affectionate" then usual, and Zayn and Harry can't keep their eyes off each other. And then there's me, all sensible, and boring, and now, single. I never thought Danielle would EVER dump me, but I guess I was wrong. It was a bit of a shock for me and I didn't take it well. I was fine doing concerts and interviews but when I got home I would lock myself in my room and just do nothing. That went on for a while, a couple of weeks, until the boys dragged me out of the house one day to take my mind of it and I guess it just doesn't affect me anymore. But that's the past and I need to concentrate on the present.

I fell asleep on the plane trip and got woken up by Nialler. We had arrived at Sydney airport and were getting a boat straight to our island. Harry and Hailey got on really well during the trip. Turns out she doesn't have parents and is coming to live with her auntie who is on holiday in Australia. Her auntie, Ruby, can't always look after her so Harry offered to babysit her when we get back to London where she lives too. Ruby agreed and Harry was quite proud of himself doing a good deed. We now have a 1 hour boat ride to our island. Can't wait to finally be able to put my feet up and relax.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now