#36 - Starting The Plan

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*Louis' POV*

'YES I WIN!' Perrie shouted, jumping up and down. 'I WIN, I WIN, I WIN!'

'You got thrashed by your ex Zayn, again.' I chuckled.

'Come on. I'm only going easy on her. And she's technically not my ex.' Zayn said.

'Sure you are Zayn, and she sort of is when you think about it.' Eleanor said.

The girls have been staying with us for two days now. So far nothing's happened to me, but I have a feeling it will soon. In all honesty, I'm actually kind of scared. What if the plan doesn't work? I've got the LMAD in my arm and the earpiece is always in my ear, even when I sleep. Eleanor has transferred the map from the computer onto her phone and her and Zayn always have their earpieces with them too. Eleanor headset is big adn bulky, while Zayn's is like a microphone we'd where if we were on stage. Like the ones that come around to your mouth, sort of like that.

'I'm going to the supermarket. Anyone want to come?' Danielle said, grabbing her keys off the table.

'I'll come.' Zayn said.

'Yeah me too. I can keep reminding Zayn that I won.' Perrie chirped while Zayn groaned at her. The three went out the front door and soon I heard the car drive away. Now it's just me and El.

'Well if you don't mind I'm going to go have a bath.' Eleanor said.

'Yeah sure. You know where everything is.' I said.

'You know you should get some rest Lou. You haven't slept much lately, I can tell.' She said standing in the doorway.

'I'm fine El, really. I'll sleep when I want to.' I lied. I'm soooooo drained. I haven't slept properly in ages so yes, I'm fucking tired! 'Besides, it's only 6 o'clock. It's not even dark yet.'

'Louis!' She said sternly.

'Okay, okay! I'll turn all this off and go to sleep alright? Just go have your bath Eleanor. But don't blame me if I'm up all night.' I said smiling at her. She grunted and left the room. I turned off the Wii and the TV and put all the controllers away. Once I was done, I grabbed a blanket hanging over the couch and a pillow. I set myself up on the couch and pulled the blanket over me. Maybe I was too tired, because I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Quite literally too.

*Zayn's POV*

'Perrie, we get it! You won, Zayn lost, please stop now?' Danielle asked, now getting a bit angry. We had just done some food shopping and got something for dinner, and were now on our way home.

'So what are you gonna do about Liam?' Perrie asked Dani.

'I don't know Pez. I really don't know.' Danielle sighed.

'What do you mean? What about Liam?' I asked.

'She still loves him.' Perrie said. I think if Danielle wasn't driving right now she would have tackled Perrie to the ground. I was shocked. But she dumped him, didn't she?

'But, didn't she dump him?' I asked.

'I did.' Dani said.

'But why, if you still love him?'

'Because I didn't want him breaking up with me. I knew with all the tours and concerts coming up, he'd do it eventually, and I couldn't handle something like that. I thought ending it soon would be better and that I'd soon get over it, but I haven't.' Danielle said.

'Do you have any idea how much you hurt him by doing that? He loved you so much Dani! He locked himself in his room for two weeks because of the breakup.'

'I know, I know. Niall told me and I feel terrible about it. I never stopped loving him Zayn, not once. I don't think he'll take me back though. He doesn't love me anymore.' Danielle said sadly.

'I don't know about that Dani. Tell him you still love him, give him some time and you never know. He may come crawling back like we all hope. You two are really good for each other and you both make each other happy. I say tell him and give him time.' I said.

'Yeah Zayn's right. I think he still does love you Dani, he just doesn't want to admit because he "knows" you don't love him back. You'll be back together in no time.' Perrie said.

'Thanks guys. I feel like an idiot.' Danielle said. I was about to protest but my phone started ringing. It was Eleanor.

'Hey El. We're just coming hom-'

'Start now.' She said.

'What are you talking about?'

'He's gone. She's got him. Start the plan now.' Was all she said.

'WHAT?! How long has he been gone for? Why weren't you with him?' I asked. Perrie was looking at me and Dani was looking at me through the rear view mirror as she was still driving.

'I went to take a bath while Louis was having a nap. I came out and he was gone and there's another envelope.' She said.

'Alright. We'll be there as soon as we can.' I said, then hung up the phone.

'Is everything okay?' Danielle asked.

'We need to get back as soon as we can.' I said.

'Why?' The girls questioned.

'The plan is in motion.' I said.

'You mean?'

'Vicky's finally got Louis.'


'Thank god you're back! Okay Zayn and Perrie take my car. I've already called the police and they're on their way to get Hailey then they'll come here. I'll tell you when we're coming. In the meantime, I'll tell you where Louis is while you're driving. Now go!' Eleanor said, throwing her car keys at Perrie. Perrie and I sprinted to El's car and where on our way, to wherever we were going. I put my headpiece on and waited for Eleanor.

'Okay you need to go left on Grand Dr then take a right down Cannon Hill Lane. Follow that all the way down until you get to Hillcross Avenue. Now they're driving down there.... Wait! They've turned into a small street on your right.' Eleanor said. I told Perrie all the directions as El was telling me. We soon came up to the little street Eleanor was talking about.

'Down there.' I pointed. We were on a dirt path surrounded by over hanging trees. This is weird. We just came off of a main road. Why would Vicky keep them here? The thing that's really annoying me right now is the fact that they are so close to home. We've only driven for no more than 5 minutes. Why would she keep them so close to us?

'Now what El?' I asked.

'Just slow it up a bit. They're driving really slow now so I think they'll stop in a second. Can you see anything up ahead?' El said. I looked ahead and saw the black van that took Harry. The exact same one. It was far in front so they couldn't see us, but I didn't want to take that risk.

'El? We're going to get out of the car and follow them by walking.' I said.

Perrie shut the car off and we got out. We followed the road that had now turned into a wide path until we reached a house in the middle of a clearing. This wasn't a normal house. It was very old. It almost looked like a small old jail. I pulled Perrie to hide in a bush with me as we watched ahead. The van slowly pulled up to the side of the house and the same men who took Harry got out. It took everything in me to not run over and bash the shit out of them, but that would ruin this whole thing, so I stayed put. The men went to the back of the van and opened the doors, pulling out Louis. Louis had a beanie over his eyes and his hands were tied behind his back. They roughly dragged him to a grey door, the only door on the building may I add, and pushed him through it.

That was the last we saw of them.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now