#22 -Lies and Love

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*Louis' POV*

'Okay. Back in 2007 when Zayn was 14, he did something really, really bad. He knocked up some girl. She was scared, confused and didn't know what to do with the baby, but Zayn knew exactly what he wanted. Of course he didn't want the baby, why would he? The girl then decided she wanted to keep it because she knew she'd be happy with a baby, but Zayn didn't like that idea. He got her drunk one day and took her to the abortion clinic to get rid of the baby, which he succeeded in. The next day when she found out what he had done to her, they had a fight and Zayn ended up in hospital and lost his memory, but not completely. He only forgot her. Turns out, that girl? She's Vicky. Zayn had no idea it was her this whole time, then hearing that conversation she just had with Simon, he suddenly remembered. His brain just snapped which is why he did what he did. It's happened to him before. When he does this, he forgets about all the people who love him and all the people he loves, which is why he didn't stop himself. He forgot that we love him, that Harry loves him, that Hailey loves him, that the whole world loves him. He did because he felt guilty. So here we are.' Niall said.

We were speechless. Zayn never told us that but then again, he didn't remember it. He got a girl pregnant. And not just any girl, Vicky fucking Thorne. So that's what Vicky was talking about. Hang on that means; she's going to do something, to Zayn?

'So, Vicky is going to do something to Zayn, and take away something that makes him happy, because he took away something that made her happy?' I asked. Niall nodded.

'That's what it sounds like. This is why she wanted Hailey to be taken away from Zayn and Harry. Because Hailey is Zayn's child and she makes him happy.' Niall said. Harry gasped.

'And what. She thought I wouldn't be upset too?' Harry asked, now really annoyed.

'Exactly. Hailey makes you both happy, and you make Zayn happy, Haz. If Hailey was taken away, it would make you both upset. Seeing you upset would make Zayn hurt more because he would realize it was all his fault that your baby was taken away. So then Zayn would do something bad to end it all, and Vicky would have finally got her revenge after all these years.' Niall said. Harry stood up and kicked down his chair.

'WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? SHE CAN'T DO THAT TO HIM, TO US! WE'RE A FAMILY!' Harry yelled. I ran over to him and pulled him into me.

'NO LOUIS! LET GO OF ME!' He yelled, slapping and punching my chest, trying to get away. It didn't work.

'Haz, calm down.'

'NO! I need to get Hailey. Before SHE does.' Harry yelled, grabbing his keys and heading for the door. He stormed out.

'I'll go with him. He'll need someone.' I said. Niall and Liam nodded and I followed Harry. I ran past reception and out the sliding doors. I could barely see Harry getting into the car because it was so dark, so I ran over.

'Harry! I'll come with you.' I said, while he started the engine.

'No Louis, stay here. Niall is just as hurt as I am. You should be with your boyfriend, not your best friend.' He said, pulling on his seat belt.

'Niall has Liam, you have no one and he understands that. I know I'm the one that should be with Niall but your boyfriend is hurt, you have no one to lean on. While Niall's crying on Liam's shoulder, you'll cry on mine. I'm coming with you.' I said, walking over to the other side and getting in the car.

'Thanks Boo.' Harry smiled.

'That's what I haven't seen in a while.' I said, poking his dimples. We both laughed and drove away to Mrs Dixon's apartment, even though it was 5 in the morning.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now