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When i've hilighted "cue" then i suggest you play Gotta Be You. If you can play an instumental coz it's sounds better, but if not just play the song :)

*Harry’s POV*

‘I’m freaking out Haz. I’ve never been so nervous in my whole life.’ Louis said, attempting to do up his tie. ‘And this stupid, fucking tie!’

‘You’ll be fine Boo. Stop worrying. Today is going to be perfect.’ I said, lifting up the collar of his white shirt so I could fix his tie.

‘What if I mess something up? Or he leaves me? Or what if he d-’

‘Boo, listen to me. Today is going to be the best day of your lives, Louis. You’re about to get married! To Nialler! I don’t need to say anything else to reassure you that this day is going to be perfect. It’s a terrific day, all our families are here, and in a few hours you’ll be on a plane to Paris, where you’ll be spending the next 3 weeks with your beautiful husband. It will be amazingly perfect Louis. Plus, there’s nothing more romantic then getting married on Valentine’s Day, is there? You’ll do great Lou, I know you will.’ I said, kissing his forehead.

‘Thanks Haz. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. Love you.’ Louis said, kissing my cheek.

‘No worries Lou-’

‘Better not be cheating on Nialler now, Boobear.’ Jay, Louis’ mum, said as she walked in.

‘Not at all Jay. I would never do that to Niall. Besides, I’ve got my own man.’ I said.

‘I know I’m just joking boys. Finish up whatever you’re doing in here and hurry up. Zayn’s ready to walk out.’ Jay said.

‘We’ll be out in minute Jay.’ I said as she walked out.

‘Come on Lou. Let’s do this poo!’ I said, adjusting his tie one last time. Louis closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He opened his eyes and smiled.

‘Alright. Let’s go.’

So maybe I should catch you up on what’s been happening lately. First off, we were supposed to go to court for Vicky next week, but because Lou and Ni will be in Paris, we’ve pushed it back to next month.

We also bought a house! Me and the boys bought our own house about 3 weeks ago not too far from where our old apartment is. It’s a big house, but it’s not massive. It’s a double story house. It’s got 6 bedrooms, two of which have their own bathroom. Being the couples in the house, Nouis took one of the bedrooms with the bathrooms, and “Zarry” as they all call us, took the other. There’s one more bathroom upstairs which is mainly Liam’s. Hailey has her own room next to mine and Zayn’s, and there are another 3 bedrooms we use as guest rooms for whenever family or the girls come to stay over. Then there’s the rest of the normal stuff, kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry. There’s also a pool in the back. It really feels like we have our own home now, and I love it.

And now, well, the main thing is that today obviously, Louis and Niall are getting married. ON VALENTINE’S DAY! It was Liam’s idea and we all agreed it was the best date. Niall and Louis wanted the wedding to be as traditional as possible, so we are at a church. Planning has been a bit rushed, but we’ve made it. I’m Louis’ best man, which is quite an honour, as I thought he would choose Stan over me, but he didn’t so yay for Styles!

Zayn is Niall’s best man, them being besties and stuff. Liam and Stan are Groomsmen. Danielle, Perrie, Hannah and Eleanor are Bridesmaids. I know what you’re thinking. Why is Hannah here? Well she and Louis have still remained friends over all these years and we needed another bridesmaid, so she was perfect for the job.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now