#35 - New Plan

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*Zayn's POV*


'I'll get it!' I called out to Louis who was in the shower upstairs, even though I knew he couldn't hear me.


'I'm coming, I'm coming.' I groaned walking to the door and opening it.

'Hey girls!' I said in a really girly, American voice.

'Shut up and let us in Zayn.' Perrie said, pushing her way past me to get inside, Eleanor and Danielle close behind her. I closed the door and went to join the girls in the lounge room. Perrie sat on the recliner while Dani and El sat on one of the couches.

'What's up your ass?' I asked Perrie, mostly directing the question to Dani and El.

'She broke her hair curler this morning.' Danielle said. 'So now she's a little pissed.'

'Typical girl.' I sighed putting my hands on my hips, earning a glare from Perrie

'LOUIS TOMLINSON! GET YOUR FAT, LAZY ARSE DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!' Eleanor yelled. We laughed as we heard Louis groaning, walking down the stairs.

'What do you want Zayn? Besides my ass is the sexiest ass in the world and you know it! You know just then you sounded kinda like... ELEANOR?!' Louis questioned seeing the three girls in our house. Eleanor jumped up and ran into her friend's arms, her brown hair bouncing everywhere.

'Hey Louis!' She chirped while hugging him. He hugged her back just as tight and pulled away after a few moments.

'Dani? Perrie? What are all you girls doing here?' Louis asked walking next to me.

'We're helping you with your plan.' Danielle said.

'What? What plan? For what?' Louis asked.

'They're going to help us find everyone.' I said to Louis.

'And how do you propose we do this?' Louis asked, sitting down next to Eleanor.

'Well you know how I'm just awesome at electronics and stuff, because I am, I've figured out a way to find out where this bitch is keeping the boys... and girls.' Eleanor said.

'So what do we do?' Louis asked.

'Okay. So... we need her to kidnap you too.' Perrie said. Hold up. She was pissed two minutes ago. Damn girls and their mood swings!

'WHAT? NO! I'm not leaving Zayn here and I'm NOT going with her! I promised him that!' Louis protested.

'Don't worry Lou. We've got this all figured out. Just hear the rest of the plan please?' I asked him. Louis took at deep breath and looked back at the girls.

'Okay. Continue.' He said.

'Now before she kidnaps you, we will put this tiny device into your arm. It's a tracking device. It's quite small obviously as it has to go in your arm, but it works. We were going to track you by using your phone instead, but we figured she'd take that off you, so we're going to put something INTO you. Something she can't remove.' Danielle said.

'How small is this thing that's supposedly going into my arm?' Louis asked a little frightened.

'It's this.' Eleanor said, holding up the tiny, tiny device. You know that silver piece on your earphones that plugs into your iPod or phone? Yeah? Well it's pretty much exactly the same size as that.

'That's tiny! How will you know where I am using that thing?' Louis asked.

'It's clever Louis. So while she takes you wherever she takes you, which we hope is where everyone else is, we'll be watching everywhere you'll be going on Zayn's laptop.' Perrie said, handing me my laptop. I smiled at her and opened it up giving it to El, letting her do the stuff she needed to do. Danielle and Perrie sat next to Eleanor who had the computer, while Lou and I watched from behind the couch. She typed a few things and put in some codes, before a map of our area in black and white popped up. There was a little red dot in the middle of the screen.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now