#28 - Live While We're Young

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Hey there! Okay so do NOT ask me about this chapter. I don't even... no. There is ZIANOURRY smutty stuff in here (don't ask), so if you don't like it, i'll tell you when to stop and start reading again.

P.S Can't write smut for shit so soz bro :)

*Liam's POV*

This has been a horrible week. There is still no sign of Hailey or Vicky anywhere, even after a week of searching everywhere. Zayn and Harry, well, as most parents would be, they are completely wrecked. It's been over three weeks since Zayn has seen Hailey, and three weeks since Harry has spoken to her. They are terrible right now. Nothing stops them from crying all day long. Every morning we'd come to the hospital to basically watch Harry cry in Zayn's arms all day until visiting hours were over, then come back and do it again the next day. Zayn's family went home 3 days ago, but Doniya is coming back down in 4 days to help us find Hailey, which is very kind of her.

Zayn came out of hospital this morning, so you would have thought it would be a happy time and it would take our minds off the whole situation. Well, that's not the case.

When Zayn was in his coma, Louis and I went and bought clothes and toys and a bed for Hailey, and put it all in the spare room, so it's now her room. Since Harry hadn't been home and Zayn obviously hasn't either, they didn't know about until we got here. They walked into her room and just sat on the floor crying. They haven't come out all day. We got home at 10 in the morning; it's now 6:05pm. I'm currently sitting on the couch next to Louis who has Niall asleep on his lap. This is honestly the closest these two have been in about a month. This whole 'hey, let's help our best friends and not our boyfriends' thing is really affecting their relationship. Harry and I actually thought they were over to be honest, but Louis is really excited for the plan that was supposed to happen this week, but we've postponed it until we find Hailey.

I looked to Louis who was staring at the TV, not really paying any attention to it.

'Lou?' I asked.


'How are things with you and Niall?'

'Fine. Why do you ask?' he said, turning his head to look at me.

'You've been distant from each other this last month and it's really worrying us. Are you sure everything is okay?' I asked.

'We're fine Liam. Really. It's just been hard, but we're okay.' Louis smiled. I missed his smile. Louis hasn't been himself like the rest of us. He's not he's happy, bouncy, child-like self, he's just sad, worried, and boring.

'Okay. Just checking.' I said, patting his shoulder. He gave me a little smile and we focused our attention back to the TV, that was until Zayn and Harry came in. It looked like they had freshened up, and actually got some sleep. they're looking a lot better.

'Guys, we want to call the police.' Zayn said. They were both calm now and they weren't crying, which is a first.

'Shouldn't we tell Simon or Paul first? I mean, getting the police involved in something like this, with people like us, is just a reciepe for disaster.' I said concerned.

'No. We're sick of this Liam. We need to get help. Vicky kidnapped our little girl. We need to find her.' Harry said, taking a seat on one of the couches. All the boys looked at me with pleading eyes.

Of course I want to call the police. We need all the help we can get to try to find Hailey. But when we give her name over, it will cause a whole lot of shit. Just imagine it in the papers, in magazines, on the TV.

'Vicky Thorne has kidnapped a girl by the name of Hailey Malik-Styles. Malik-Styles? The surnames of One Direction's Zayn and Harry?' it will be everywhere.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now