#10 - Expect the Unexpected

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3 weeks later...

*Niall's POV*

I woke up lying on top of Lou's bare chest, rising up and down as he let out slight snores. I was dreading this day. We're going home again. I don't want to leave, it is really nice here. It's so peaceful. Just me and my brothers, and my boyfriend of course. We could go out whenever we wanted, not that there was much to do. There were no screaming fans trying to break into our house, as much as I love the fans they can go a bit over the top at times. We could just relax. Now we have to go back home, spend maybe a couple of days with our family then come back and do interviews and signings and release Take Me Home. I shouldn't be complaining, I love my life; it can just be a bit too much at times. There is a knock on the door and Liam walks in.

'Ni, we have to get up and start packing. We have to be on the boat by 9:00.' Liam said, then closed the door behind him and left. He's been a lot happier now that he's found someone. In the second week of our trip, we went to this club to find someone for Daddy Direction and it worked. He met Vicky. She's tall, slim, sweet, really funny and she's got brown hair and green eyes. If I wasn't with Lou, I would've gone for her, but I'm gay so I don't really care. As long as I always have my man, I'll be happy.

I look at the clock, its 7:15. By the time we get up and eat and pack and eat and leave and eat, we should just make the boat. I gently shake Lou to wake him up. He grumbles and rolls over, facing away from me.

'Babe, we need to get up.' I whisper.

'No Ni, 5 more minutes.' He groans. I kiss his neck and whisper.

'Baby, we need to pack and leave. We're going home today.'

'I don't wanna leeeaave!'

'I know baby, but we have to. Come on, up you get.' I say, pulling his arm making him sit up.


We pack all our things and head downstairs with the other lads and Vicky. She's by herself on this island so she's coming home to London with us. She gets on really well with all of us and I don't think Liam is going to get rid of her any time soon. I really hope he doesn't.

'You okay Haz? You look a little down.' Lou asked, concerned. I have to say, that certainly wasn't the Harry I know. He was just sitting cross-legged on the floor, rocking back and forth with his hands in his hair. I gave Zayn and Liam a questioning look but they both just shrugged and Zayn mouthed 'I'm scared for him'. Well no shit Zayn, so are we. Liam called our driver to take us to the dock to get our boat back to the mainland. When Liam hung up the phone, Harry spoke.

'I don't think we should go today.' He said, looking up at all of us.

'But babe, we don't have a choice. We have to go today.' Zayn said, kneeling down to Harry's level.

'No, I don't want to go today. We CAN'T go today!' Harry yelled.

'Why not?' Liam asked. I was now very confused. Of course none of us wanted to go, it was great here, but we weren't throwing a tantrum.

'I've got this feeling, like a sick feeling. Something is going to happen today I just know it. Can we stay? Please just one more night?' Harry was nearly crying. This isn't right but we all knew we had to go.

'Harry I'm sorry, but we have to go.' Just as Liam said that, a car honked outside, telling us our ride was here. Zayn picked up Harry and whispered something into his ear before helping him with his bags. We put our bags in the car and drove to the dock. Zayn was cuddling Harry the whole way, he was crying. This is not the Harry Styles we know. When something bugs him, he normally just puts it behind him, but this is something that is not going away and is really bugging him. We got on the boat and within an hour we were back on the mainland at Sydney Airport. We boarded plane and sat in our seats. I'm sitting next to Lou. Behind us Liam and Vicky and in front of us Zayn and Harry. I saw Zayn pull Harry into his chest and play with his hair. I have to admit, I'm not exactly feeling too well either. But that's probably because we're taking off.

*Harry's POV*

I don't know what came over me, but I have this really bad feeling in my stomach. Something bad is going to happen and I know it. I'm not sure what but I don't ever feel like this and it's scaring me, the boys too. Zayn is overly concerned about what's wrong with me. He pulled me into his chest just before take off as I started to cry.

'You alright babe?' Zayn asked.

'N-No. Something really b-bad is going to h-happen Zayn. I j-just know it.' I sobbed. He kissed the top of my head.

'What do you mean "something bad"?' he whispered.

'I d-don't know but w-whatever it is, I-I don't l-like it.' I cried in his chest for a bit.

'Baby, you're here with me and your three best mates who all love you to bits. Not as much as me obviously but seriously, what could possibly wrong honey?' he asked. I stopped crying and looked to the ground, embarrassed.

'You're right, I'm sorry.'

Zayn lifted up my chin so I could look into his eyes. The ones I get lost in. The ones I could stare at for hours and never want to look away. The ones that make everything else seem to disappear. His warm, chocolate brown orbs staring into my emerald green ones. He leaned in and pecked my lips before pulling me into his chest again where I slowly drifted to sleep.

I awoke to two loud bangs and a lot of screaming. The bangs were like...gun shots? Zayn's chest was rising and falling very quickly and I could hear the fear and uneveness in his breath. He tightened his grip around my waist and pulled me as close as he could to him.

'Hello everyone. Please, no need to scream and be scared. I would like to inform you that the pilot and co-pilot are no longer conscious and this plane has been hijacked. That is all.' A man said over the loud speaker.

I fucking knew it!

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now