#18 - Options

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'Zayn Malik!' Simon shouted. 'Sit down this instant!' He whisper yelled, trying not to wake Hailey. He and Paul exchanged glances and nodded. I sat down next to Harry and held his hand tightly. This is it. I'm going to have to say goodbye to something important to me. Harry, Hailey or One Direction, maybe even all three. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.

'Zayn Malik' Simon started. It was silent and I didn't know why, but I didn't want to open my eyes. Harry squeezed my hand.

'What on Earth were you thinking?' Paul asked.

'Not only is Harry your boyfriend, but you have adopted a child without permission. You're 19 years old. What were you thinking?' Paul asked, obviously angry.

'I don't need you're permission Paul. You might control my career but not my life. Our life.' I started, but didn't get to finish.

'Your career IS your life Zayn.' Paul started, but I cut him off, again.

'I know I'm young and not that far into a relationship but when would I ever get this chance again. I'm deeply in love with the man of dreams, and I plan on keeping it that way for a while to come. Hailey would have had to go to an orphanage and would have never gotten the love that Harry and I give her, not to mention her three uncle's too who love her just as much. We love her so much Simon, she's OUR daughter. Like I said before, as much as I would dearly miss it, I don't care if you kick me out of the band. As long as I still have my family... my whole family.' I said, looking at the lads, who were smiling at me. Harry and Niall had tears in their eyes, and I've never seen Liam and Louis look so proud and happy.

'Well Zayn if that's the way you want it, then I will have to g-' Paul said, being cut off by Simon.

'Now hang on a second Paul. It WAS our idea to send them on that holiday. Think about it. If they didn't go, Harry wouldn't have met Hailey on that plane. The plane wouldn't have crashed on that island and they wouldn't have been stranded for 39 days. I see where you're coming from Paul. When the press find out about Zayn and Harry, the questions and publicity will probably never die down. They will lose fans for sure, but we have to respect their decision. As much as they are famous, they do have their own lives they want to live. We have to respect their decisions. And besides, Hailey could be a good thing for One Direction. Without Zayn or Harry in the band, One Direction will lose A LOT of fans, and Louis, Liam and Niall won't be the same either. Do you really want that Paul?' Simon asked. We were all surprised as to what Simon said. Paul glared at him for a moment, than spoke.

'I don't like this at all boys. I'm certainly not impressed.' Paul growled.

'We'll hold a meeting next week with all of management. Next week you boys will come in and we'll decide what we'll do with this situation.' Paul said calmly.

'What options do we have?' Liam asked.

'Well, option 1 is that Zayn or Harry or both of them are removed from One Direction.'

'YOU CAN'T DO THAT!' Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry and I yelled. We didn't care if we woke up Hailey now, this was just insane.

'Let me finish boys. So there's option 1. Now option 2, Harry and Zayn split up but then there would be a fight for custody of Hailey, so there's really no point in that one. Option 3 is that Hailey is taken out of Harry and Zayn's care and goes to an orphanage, which I'm sure none of you want.'

Harry and I were crying now. What are they doing to us? They are ruining our lives. We were finally happy and now... it's just gone. Simon saw us crying, so lightened us up a bit.

'And then there's option 4. Hailey stays with Harry and Zayn, keeping their last names and remaining to be their daughter, and One Direction still has its original 5 members. Harry and Zayn can also remain a couple. I think that's the option we all want correct?' Simon asked. Harry and I stopped sobbing when Hailey started to wake up. We wiped the tears off our eyes and nodded our heads to Simon and Paul, obviously liking option 4.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now