#34 - Keep Holding On

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*Louis POV*

'Sis? We're home. We got everything for tonight.' Zayn called out to Doniya as we walked in the door from grocery shopping.

'Doniya? You here?' I called out, but got no reply. 'She probably just went out.' I said to Zayn.

'Yeah probably. Hey take these. I gotta pee.' Zayn said, handing over the shopping bags.

'Alright. I'll be in the kitchen.' I said to Zayn. I went into the kitchen and dumped the shopping bags on the counter.

It's New Year's Eve. Tonight is just gonna be me, Zayn and Doniya, drinking and blasting loud music, leaving behind this incredible, but horrible year. We still haven't found Niall, Harry or Liam, and we haven't seen Hailey in the hospital yet. We tried to get into her room on Saturday, but security said we weren't allowed in because Vicky said if any of us came by, to keep/kick us out. It was horrible for Zayn, being so close to seeing her and boom, get's told no. We decided not to fight it and just went home.

I put everything away and put the plastic bags in the bin.

'Did you find her?' I asked when I heard Zayn walk in.

'No. Like you said, she probably just went out. But normally she'd leave a note somewhere or she'd text me.' Zayn said.

'Hey! She left a note on the fridge.' I said, pointing to the fridge. I felt silly for not seeing it there before when I was putting the groceries away, so I face-palmed and chuckled, getting a weird look from Zayn. I pulled it down from the fridge, but my smile instantly fell when I realized what I was holding.

An envelope.

'What? What is i... NO! PLEASE NO!' Zayn gasped, also realizing what I was holding. Zayn grabbed the envelope out of my hands and went to open it, but I snatched it back.

'No Zayn. We can't do this. We can't keep doing this to ourselves! Inside here, will be more horrible pictures of our boyfriends, our best friends. And if there are photo's in here worse than the last ones... no Zayn. Please? We can't keep doing this.' I said

'Louis. If that's what we think it is, it means she's taken my sister. My sister Louis! Please? I need to see what's in it. We both do. Please Louis?' He asked.

I couldn't say no. Zayn is so hurt by all of this. From what I've heard, he's cried himself to sleep every night since Hailey was taken and that was like what? 23 days ago? Words cannot describe how upset Zayn is, and it kills me. Sure I'm sad as well, but nowhere near as sad as Zayn. I looked at the envelope in my hands, then to Zayn, then back to the envelope and sighed.

'You're right.' I said, opening the envelope. I saw some pictures in there, but I didn't want to look at them until we've read what's inside. I pulled out the note and started to read it, Zayn looking over my shoulder.

Well, well, well. I certainly wasn't expecting this. I came over to take Louis and find your sister instead, so I think you already know what happened to her then. I wasn't planning on taking Doniya, boys, but since she was there I thought sure, why not? So now I guess knowing that Louis is in a terrible state, I think it'd be easier to him next. You'd be happy to know that Liam isn't as feisty as the others. He does what he's told, so he doesn't get punished. Curly and Blondie on the other hand, get punished quite a lot. Before Liam came, just after Hailey was put into hospital, they tried to escape where I'm keeping them. Even though they were punished quite hard, they didn't learn their lesson. I'm keeping Doniya in a room by herself, like the rest of them are, except for when they're being tortured. That's the only time they're all put in the same room. So Louis, watch your back. Zayn, be prepared to finally be alone and hurt, just like I was.

Shot Me Out of The Sky (Zarry/Nouis) -IN EDITING-Where stories live. Discover now