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      Percy walked into the orphanage, a officer standing behind him. A woman who worked like the one in the picture walked in to the main room. Percy shuddered as she looked at himEverything about her parents screamed danger but he chose to ignore it knowing your thoughts would only give him anxiety even worse that he had at that moment. The woman smiled at them politely and sweetly but it looked forced, then again it was so slight only someone who went through what Percy had gone through would of been through. 

- time skip because I'm lazy-

      The officer had left and the woman had taken a Percy back to the sleeping rooms. As the two walks then they were greeted by 15 faces ranging from the ages of 6 too  17. They all stood up and sat in a circle like they knew what was about to happen, and Percy guessed they did know based on their reactions. "Chill, this is Perseus Achilles Jackson. You know what to do." The woman gestured an empty place in the circle, as she was looking at Percy.  Percy, understanding what she meant sat down and warily looked at the other children surrounding him. They all ranged in what they looked like. Some had died hair and dual eyes, while others had natural hair and exotic eyes; and everything in between. 

       Slowly everyone said their name, their favorite food, and favorite color. Finally it got to Percy," uhhh,  you already know my name, my favorite food  was my mom's blue chocolate chip cookies, and my favorite color is sea foam blue." They all nodded and acknowledgment,  and the woman, who seems satisfied with his answers, said," Dinner is in thirty minutes, please be their on time."  Everyone nodded and the woman left.  Percy let out an unnoticeable sigh, relived from the stench of her evil.  The other children went back to their business, leaving the depressed Percy to himself. 

     Ever so slowly Percy slipped into his thoughts of nothing, and as they did so, they turned to a nightmarish day dream. Percy? A voice said from somewhere in front of him. His head flew up.He recognized that voice, it was Harley's voice. He had never been overly close to the boy, but their he stood, in font of Percy. Blood had soaked his trousers, reminding Percy of how Harley had died: blood loss from a spear through his thigh that had been pulled out.You did this to me. You are the reason I'm dead. Don't go to dinner, you don't deserve such things as food. After all, your only Perseus Achilles Jackson, the boy who let all his friends die, your no hero, and you'll never be. By now Percy had a few silent tears running down his cheeks, he knew Harley was right, he deserved nothing. 

     His thoughts pulled him further and further into his chaotic mind. Percy continued to curse himself and he continued to think about what he could of done. A hand on his shoulder ripped him from his thoughts. Percy grabbed the hand, twisted it and the person with it so they were spun in the air; while the person was in the air, Percy pulled his hand in to his shoulder then shoat it out, making the person fly backwards into the far wall." Shit" the boy groaned and only then did Percy relies what he had done." Fuck." Percy said standing up. He walked over to the boy who sat on the floor." Sorry," Percy said," Old habits."

     The boy nodded, more surprised at what Percy could do then angry at him for throwing him across the room." It's fine." The boy said." Dinners about to start." Percy helped him up and responded," not hungry, but thanks for telling me." The boy nodded and walked out followed by the rest of the children, boys and girls alike, all looking at Percy uncertainty. Percy sat back down in his corner on his sleeping bag and fell asleep, only to enter into nightmares.

-Time skip throughout nightmare (he was tortured by Tartarus)-

     Percy woke up in the morning to see everyone was already going about their day. He hadn't interrupted any of their sleep because after having nightmares seance he was twelve (that he had told no one about) he had managed to train himself so that when he had a nightmare, instead of screaming or thrashing about, his left foot would just twitch wildly. Everyone ignored him, and Percy continued to hear voices and see people who were dead around him. He refused to eat, and took his medication less and less, usually forgetting about it. He turned pale and looked sick. The other children talked to him every once in a while, but he ignored them. Finally they talked to Ms. Hamilton about it, but she didn't care and thus told no one. It went on like this for three months. They weren't quiet sure how he was surviving, but Percy new. He had figured out at about the end of the first month. The gods had made him immortal, not a god, just immortal. 

     Finally, one day a certain Pepper Pots pulled in a certain Toney Stark to adopt a certain child named Percy. She had heard of him through one of her friends who had adopted the boy that Percy had thrown across the room the first day he had arrived, and she knew that Toney had enough money to help this child through any means necessary, only if she had known that the only thing that could save him now was to fight, the only thing he had left that he knew how to do. That and one other thing, obese over his friends death, till he figured out how he could of saved them all. The perfect battle strategy. That was what would heal him, not money or family, but the only thing that would heal him would be to kill again, to feel the rush of adrenaline every time he slit someone's throat, every time he broke their spine, cracked their heads, gut their insides out, and every time he plunged his sword into the persons heart and heard them beg for mercy.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now