Dinner and Dreams

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     "Hey." I said when I walked in, all their heads snapped towards me, only Natasha and Wanda were sitting down, not hovering around the food like animals. They stared at me for a second but soon they looked back at the pizza. That's when it happened, Thor made a move and all the Avengers jumped on him to hold him back from getting the pizza. I watched for a minute humored by the sight before me, but when the pizza was completely abandoned to hold down Thor. I walked up to it and grabbed a box, then walked over towards Natasha and Wanda. 

     I sat down next to Wanda sense she had a nicer, more motherly, aura around her. I sat down and put the bow on the table between us." Thanks." Wanda said, and Natasha nodded her head in agreement. We sat their and watched as people got their pizza after fighting for it. First Spider-Man got it (after all he was the fastest). Then his the Captain, then so on the winning Avenger being Thor, but when he got to the pizza it was cold. Disappointment crossed his face, but he shrugged it of and grabbed a box of PopTarts instead. 

     That's when Steve Rogers started talking," So Percy, what's your story." 

     I shrugged," Ummm... when I was a preschooler we went on a field trip to the aquarium. We were crossing the top of this shark (when I was writing shark it took forever for me to think of the actual word because I kept thinking of shank 😂) exhibit on this folding metal walkway. Me being stupid pulled the lever that folded the metal walkway and we all fell into the shark exhibit." At this Toney started laughing so much he was crying while the rest of them were all gust laughing, except for Natasha, but even she had a small smile tugging at her lips." After that I went to school, every summer I went to this camp in Long Island." At that some tears fought to come out, but I wouldn't let them, but my hands were shaking." I went over seas with some of my friends, came back and found out that my family was dead, then, bam, put in the system."  I was proud of myself of not breaking down and crying, but I was shaken up quiet a bit, just by saying that.

     "No more things like the shark tank happened?" Wanda asked." Nothing else." I confirmed. By now I had finished my pizza slice, yes, one, but even that I was forcing. 

     "Your not still hungry?" Bruce asked.

     "No, I'v always had a pretty small appetite." I responded, knowing Natasha and Clint were looking at me to see if they could find a weakness. Bruce nodded his head as if taking the answer, but his eyes were stiff. 

     "Movie!!!" Tony screamed, startling everyone. We looked at him and he started rambling on and on about different movies. Soon Thor and  Scott joined in, all debating about movies. They ended up on 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'. We watched the movie and it was pretty good, all about these men who play women for money, but in the end they got played by a women. I think their was a redo of this movie called 'The Hustle'. 

     When it was done I stood up and was going to my room when Tony said," Where are you going? We don't go to sleep till ten at least."

     I shrugged," Sleepy." With that, I ignored Sam and Vision calling me back and went to my room. I got ready for bed, sat in front of a picture of my Annabeth and talked to it for a little, telling her what had happened today. Then I stood up, prayed to Sleep to have no nightmares then went to sleep. 

Of corse I still got dreams...

I stood in a black void, the three fates stood before me, their yarn glowed, illuminating themselves eerily."  Perseus Jackson." They practically whispered, but all in sync." A great power is rising, we once again said you to battle followed by the greatest hero's of this time. You will go to hidden place from the Avengers you will be bestowed with great power, only some of which you will know for know. The rest will be a mystery till the right time. Go. Find us. You will know how to.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now