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Nico's POV

I woke up and spots danced in my vision. Groaning, I sat up. Looking at the floor I saw myself sitting in a pool of my blood. Miraculously I had somehow survived and not blead to death through the night.

Slowly I crawled across the floor only making small, delicate moves so my wounds wouldn't open up again. Grabbing some rubbing alcohol I gently applied it to the cuts, hissing in pain. Then grabbing the gauze I gingerly wrapped up where the cuts were.

Stumbling to my feet I was trembling as I walked a little as I felt a few cuts tear open again. Clenching my eyes closed I whispered 'I'm sorry' to Percy even though he wasn't there.

Walking to my cabinet of clothing I pulled out a bag of yellow squares and a flask. Eating on of the small squares of honey goodness I hummed and washed it down with a little of the contents of the flask. It tasted like warm milk and honey -- something my mom used to make for me--. Ambrosia and Nectar.

Felling my wounds heal up drastically I rubbed my eyes and walked out of cabin. String sunlight hit me and my eyes dilated. Walking to the infirmary I looked around. I wasn't overly fond of people, but I did enjoy the knowing of their presences being their. A seemingly unchangeable factor that stabilized me.

Not so much anymore. No one was to be seen, and what I had thought was an unchangeable factor; I suddenly realized just how changeable it was.

Walking into the infirmary I saw the Avengers sitting around the room, all pointer towards Percy.

"I assume everything was cleared up?" I spoke, breaking the silence.

They all looked sharply up at me.

"Yeah." Tony replied briskly as Natasha and Bucky nodded their head solemnly.

I nodded my head thoughtfully and walking over to Percy I promptly sat down on Percy's bed and leaned back slightly, but still sitting up. Chewing on my lips I caressed Percy's hair and murmured things to him in Italian about how much I loved the sea prince and how much I needed him back. It was physically painful for him to be away from him.

Percy's POV

I heard little whispers that sounded like they were coming from my Neeks and in Italian. Whimpering I felt a rod of iron with little spikes coming from it hit me in the cheek and I fell to the floor promptly.

Nico's POV

I was drifting of into sleep from the calming silence of the room when Coach Hedge, Grover, Juniper, and Mellie along with a few other random spirits.

''We figured it out!" Juniper cheered.

"What?" Steve demanded, jumping up.

"His mind is trapped by Tartarus. He is physically here, but mentally not so much."

I flinched." He can't be back their again." I whispered, my voice cracking at the end.

Grover breathed out. The poor guy looked on the edge of tears." Theirs more." A pause. It was clear if he continued talking he would start crying.

Mellie butted in. Her voice calming to my ears even though her news was devastating." The longer he stays in this mental limbo the more he will convinced he is actually their and the more he is convinced the more his body here will fade till he is fully in Tartarus."

I shook.

"Send me down their and I'll blow that Tartarus up? Who does he think he is! That cupcake is going to heck!" Coach Hedge was seething, but refused to let loose any profanities around his son - Chuck.

I just sat their next to Percy, looking down at his resting face knowing his mind was in turmoil and he was in pain. I felt something wet slid down my face. Reaching up I put my hand on my cheek and felt tears.

Since when did I cry in from of people?

Oh yeah...

Since Percy.

That's a numbing thought.

I know... I know... another short chapter... I am so sorry, but I haven't had a bunch of time with a bunch of huge research papers that are due at the end of the year. I really wanted to update though, so here it is.

This chapter was also really crappy... this story is just getting worse as it goes on... sorry about that...

*Hides shamefully*

Anyways...thanks for everything my lovely readers!




Love you guys! -Ur demigodishness!

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now