Is this our happy?

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Okay... so I know it took FOREVER to get back to you all. And I'm SO sorry about that! But then again... as I said earlier... into the summer I won't be able to update as much and school is still out so sorry.

"Don't swear on the River Styx Neeks." Percy's voice was rough, but he brought Nico into another hug. 

Nico started sobbing. Roughly into Percy's neck." Please, please don't ever do that again. I can't lose you too.''

Percy let out a hoarse laugh." Understood." 

Neither of them mentioned the 'Joel' thing and just enjoyed the presence of each other. Percy trusted Nico after the hole 'Styx' thing... I mean... if he had been lying, he would be dead now.

Leaning back Percy smashed his lips into Nico.

His home.


What a wonderful, overused, dusted over word.

His home he could hug. Laugh with. Make fun of. Cry with. 

What a wonderful feeling to find home.

To find belonging.

In that moment. Both demigods new that special spark they shared would never fade. 


A lot happened since then. Everything was explained to the Avengers and they even promised to help find demigods for Percy and Nico - all while keeping it a secret form S.H.E.I.L.D.. Percy decided to become the next camp director, his only request being Nico could become immortal too.  

The years wore on but Percy and Nico stayed as close as ever. They got married, adopted some kids (which they demanded to be made immortal), and live their long everlasting life to the fullest. 

Percy was happy. Nico was happy. Finally, they had found someone to lay their burdens down with.

The End


Okay... soooo sorry for cutting this book of so abruptly but i made some bad decisions partway in so it lost it's... spice... and now I'm bored... have no more ideas and am drained from this book.

I went into it winging it with no game plan and it turned into mush.

I introduced Nico poorly,  didn't make the Taurus struggle hard enough, and practically forgot about the Avengers as soon as Nico entered the scene. 

I'm so sorry... but people seem to like the story so I'm going to keep it up.

THANK YOU, my faithful readers, it has been a pleasure!

Comment, like, follow... all that wonderful crap

and please, please, please make sure to check out my other books... I am much more proud of them then this one.

Thank you and bye!

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now