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So Percy and Nico will be slightly more... enhanced... in what they can do power/strength/and running wise. I don't know if that's the right word to use... And remember.

Don't like. Don't read. Don't hate.


The Avengers were just wrapping up for the night. The artifact was stowed safely away and they were lazily walking through the building with Fury talking about absolute shit. The door up ahead was the one that lead to the dagger and stopping about twenty feet form the entrance not expecting what was about to come out of that door.

"Who's the boy living with you Stark?" Fury asked.

Tony rolled his eyes." Dont you already know?"

Fury glared at Tony." No. I don't know, but if you dont tell me I will find out on my own."

Tony opened his moth to speak, but Natasha butted in before Tony got himself killed by the director." His name is Percy and Tony recently adopted him.''

Fury mused." I want to meet the boy."

"Fuck no.'' Tony said.

"I do not see what is so wrong with Director Fury meeting the bot." Vision." Is this possibly one of the things you call - preference- ?"

"Sure." Steve said.'' But seriously Stark. Fury just wants to meet him.''

"Thank you for helping me, but I am very capable of handling myself." Fury barked, rolling his eyes." Now Stark. I am going to meet the boy."

Fury was about to continue when a loud alarm cut him off. the alarm was coming form the room where the dagger was.

"Fuck!" Fury cursed. Spinning, all the Avengers and one very pissed of director looked at the door and was about to head towards it when a figure can skidding out. The person stopped and looked the group of superheroes.

"Hey Tony!" Percy smiled cheerfully, but his eyes were full of panic.

"Percy?!" Tony stuttered.

Percy rolled his eyes." Well duh."

Gun shots were heard and the team saw bullets' ricochet off of Percy. Inside, Percy was thanking the gods he had worn the body tight armor that Nico fought so long and hard to get him in. Percy looked back the team frozen in place by shock.

Percy smirked." Well this will be interesting." With that he flipped Hestia's dagger in his hand, spun around and broke into a run.

The Avengers were quickly on his heels. Wanda, Vision, Natasha, and Fury right behind him while the rest of the team split up to cut him off from in front and the sides.

Percy turned a corner only to be greeted by three S.H.E.I.L.D. agents rushing towards him, their faces stone and set on Percy. A wild grin broke out across Percy's face. It had been quiet some time now that he had felt the rush of adrenaline.

Running he vaulted back and forth on the wall falling down getting higher and higher on the wall, then falling down. Percy wrapped his legs around one of the agent's neck and Percy punched his face repeatedly. The man slipped into unconsciousness and as he fell to the ground Percy forced himself up so he was standing on the man's shoulders and Percy flipped backwards and landed on his feet. Landing. Crouching he lunged up and grabbed the other agent by the neck and bashed him into the wall making the agent stumble to the ground. The last agent came running at Percy's back and ever so quickly Percy spun around and sent a roundhouse kick to the agents neck who fell to the ground gasping.

Without looking back Percy picked up a run again, aware of the avengers behind him. Someone spoke through the intercom system." Perseus Jackson. Stop running and turn yourself in. We don't want to hurt you."

Percy rolled his eyes and screamed back at whoever was speaking even though he guessed they couldn't hear him." That's the same thing Tartarus said every day before he would stick rods of burning metal through me. Hell no!"

The avengers were surprised to hear this, but they still continued their pursuits. Running into a large room Percy skidded to a halt as the Avengers and some of Agents surrounded him. Tony's mask came off and he stared at Percy. Betrayal was in his eyes. They weren't super close, but they still confided in each other.

Percy was about to speak up when a loud roar was heard through the building. The Hulk can smashing through the wall running at Percy.

Percy only smirked, dropped into a fighting stance and ignores the screams of the Avengers to get out of the way.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now