The Pit Calls

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Percy soon had the Avengers, Fury, Nico, and himself loaded into a van. It was tightly compacted, but Thor flew above them so that freed up some space. The Avengers were still tightly bound, but Nico had taken off the gags so they could talk.

"Where are we going?" Natasha asked.

"Camp." Percy responded briskly.

"Camp? Really?" Tony snorted trying to cover how betrayed he felt between Percy and Pepper.

Percy laughed lightly." You'll see."

Their was a pause then Nico spoke up." You sure you want to go back their so suddenly?''

"Yes." Percy said, his voice coming out like a horse whisper.

"Percy." Nico spoke, his voice dangerous.

"Yes." Percy insisted.

Another silence.

They drove one, people completely oblivious to their hero's being tied up in a van that calmly passed them like nothing was wrong with the world.

Parking at the bottom of Camp Half-Blood hill Nico, Percy, and Thor got the Avengers and Fury out walking up the hill Percy went inside the camo and faced them. Muttering under his breath he said." I Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon let the Avengers and Nickolas Fury into Camp Half Blood."

Then nodding his head he turned and walked down the hill in front of the superhero's while Nico and Fury guarded from behind.

Looking around the Avengers were saddened by the sight of the camp that Percy seemed to love so much. Walking by the archery range they looked at the warn leather grips on the bows and the targets battered with holes. The cabin's hung open and empty. The hole place seemed devoid of emotion.

Walking up to a large white house that looked like an inn in a magazine they walked in and saw a two people, a man and woman.

Steve Rogers POV:

"Percy!" The man shouted happily and the woman smiled warmly.

"Hey G-man!" Percy responded and they greeted each other.

"Percy. You're back soon." The woman responded, her voice smooth like honey.

"Yeah. To soon for my liking, but I had to come."

The woman nodded her head." I know. It's hard here.''

Percy solemnly nodded his head." Yeah."

I wondered what had made this place so sad and hard to be here, hopefully we would be getting answers soon.

The woman turned to Nico.

"It's good to see you Nico." She spoke.

"You to Juniper." He responded, bowing his head a little.

"Who are they?" The man Percy had called 'G-man' said.

"They call themselves the Avengers. Their like superhero's to the mortals." Percy said, shrugging his shoulders. They had gotten a hold of Hestia's dagger how they did, I don't know... but I had to stole it from them and it would be very... er bad... if they decided to take us in to the government."

The man laughed." Yeah." His voice drained off as he looked at me." Maybe we should explain it to them. Take the mist down around their eyes."

Okay. I thought. That's weird.

Percy looked at us, his eyes landing on me." Maybe." Percy mused." They have seen more then regular people so they might be able to handle the truth, but Grover... you know people can turn to cannibalisms, murder, the have commit suicide before when they found out the truth."

Okay. That sounded bad, we need to get out of hear, but the binds are weird. Their so thin and loose but I can't do anything against them... maybe Stark can figure out something...

The woman walked over to us. Taking time to look us all in the eyes.

"They can handle it." She announced.

Percy raised an eyebrow." Okay."

He turned to the man I assumed was Grover." Please tell me you updated the video.''

"Yeah. Don't worry. When you disappeared Annabeth went around fixing everything and doing random shit just to keep her mind busy when she couldn't look for you. The video was one of them."

It was obvious that the name Annabeth had a strong affect on Percy, but he threw up walls and went on like nothing had happened. " Okay. Show them the video."

With that he got up and headed out Nico following him worriedly.

Grover and Juniper had us all sit down and they pulled down a projector screen. Then setting up a old movie played we watched the video Percy talked about.

A pretty woman with blond hair and stormy gray eyes appeared on screen facing us." Hello. I am Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena and councilor of cabin 6..."

So that's who Annabeth is....

3rd Person POV:

Percy walked down to the beach. Annabeth's name had brought up some unwanted memories.

''Hey Percy.'' Nico said as he walked up behind the son of the sea.

Percy turned to Nico and brought him into a tight hug, burying his head into Nico's neck." I love you so much Nico."

"I love you to." The Ghost king said.

The two just stood their. For quiet some time. Just enjoying each other's presence. The sea calmly lapped up on the beach, the wind was salty.

This only lasted for a little though. Just as all good things do.

Percy's POV:

I was enjoying being alone with Nico when their was suddenly a sharp pain in my head. Crying out I fell tot he ground.

"Percy!" I heard Nico shout but his voice seemed far away.

Writhing in pain I felt my beloved Nico try to calm me down, hold me steady. The pain was to much though.

"I'm sorry." I head my little Neeks whisper.

What? My mind thought foggily. Sorry for what?

Then a fist came down on me and realization sunk in as the pain dissipated and I drifted to unconsciousness.

Thank you.

What I saw next though made me want to endure that pain again. It made me want to kill myself as dread filled every limb of my body. I didn't want to endure this again. Not this type of pain. Anything but this pain. I pleaded to the gods, the fates... hell, even the titans. Anyone who was listening. Their was no response though.

Gritting my teeth I set my stance. If I could stop something bad from happening here I would. Just so Nico wouldn't have to go through war again. Wouldn't have to suffer anymore.

I stood fifteen feet away from Tartarus. A wicked smile on his face teeth glinting and a sword shinning in his hand.

"Perseus." He bellowed." Welcome home.''

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now